- INDEX: Project X
- Project X CODE
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Project X - Translation Files (PDF) and Audio Files (MP3) / 翻訳(PDF)と音声(MP3)
1+ My Family |
Go to Bed!
Is Dad in Here?
My Family
Tiger's Family
1+My Home |
A Home for Ted
A New Home
Hamster on the Run
In the Home
Otters at Home
2Big and Small |
Ant and the Baby
Ben and Paul
Big and Small
Big Car, Small Car
Run Cat Run!
2Pets |
A Dog's Day
My Cat Moggy
My Pet
Paco's pet
Pickle's New Home
3Food |
Gingerbread Micro Man
Stop Pot, Stop!
The Birthday Cake
What's for Lunch?
3Weather |
Snow Spoons
The Rainy Day
What a Day!
What's the Weather Like Today?
4Bugs |
Ant's Bug Adventure
Bug Hunt
The Race
What Do Bugs Eat?
Zak and Zee
4Toys and Games |
Computer Games
Pet Play
Shoo, Mouse, Shoo!
The Play Park
5Making a Noise |
Be Quiet
Click, Bang, Pop
The Noisy Day
Tiger's Drum Kit
What's That Noise?
5Flight |
Charlie Smith, Superkid
In a Spin
Making Things That Fly
On the Wing
Flying High
6What a Waste |
In the Bin!
Max the Detective
Turn it Off!
What a Waste!
6Invasion |
Alien Invasion
Body Invaders
Buzz Off!
Go away, Molly!
When Animals Invade
7Discovery |
Dragon Hunter
Finding Things
George's Bright Idea
The Silver Box
Tiger's Discovery
7Hide and Seek |
Animal Magic
Hide and Cheat
Jamie and the Chameleon
Look Closer
Where's Woody
8Buildings |
Building Wembley
Cool Buildings
Mr. Grim's Tower
The Snow Den
8Water |
A Wild Ride
Atlantic Adventure
Don't Look Down
Sam's Flood Plan
The Water Cycle
9Pirates |
Blackbeard's Ship
Nasty Nate's Pirate Adventure
Shiver Me Timbers!
Treasure Hunt
9Communication |
Let's Play and Other Things Animals Say
Message in an X-bot
The Deadly Boomslang
The Thing in the Cupboard
What's on the Box?
Project X CODE - Audio Files (MP3) / 音声(MP3)
Project X CODE is an innovative reading intervention programme that embeds systematic synthetic phonics within a highly motivational 3D adventure series.
Project X CODEは最先端のフォニックス教授法「シンセティックフォニックス」を取り入れた3Dのキャラクターたちの冒険シリーズで、読み書きが得意でないお子さんでも徐々に読み進めていけるように書かれています。
3Bugstastic |
The Web
Cat's Ques
Bite Fright
3Galactic Orbit |
Jet Attack
Return of the Jets
The Tower of Glass
Flight of Fear
4Dragon Quest |
Dragon Clash
The Hunt
Dragon Training
Into The Cave
4Wild Rides |
Bite Strike
Look Out!
The Thunderbolt
A Close Escape
5Jungle Trail |
Scramble To Safety
Wild Rapids
5Shark Drive |
The Shark Sub
Underwater Chase
Sea Fright
All Tied Up
6Fiendish Falls |
Swoopie Mischief
The Bite Below
A Croco-Bite Smile
6Big Freeze |
Frozen With Fear
Snowball Attack
Ice Fight
7Castle Kingdom |
The Joust
Locked Up!
Dangerinthe Tower
Battle for the Sword
7Forbidden Valley |
Up in the Air
Underground Escape
Vocano Blast
Dino Danger
8Wonders of the World |
Invisible Threat
Statue Surprise
Scare in the Air
Secret of the Stone
8Pyramid Peril |
Into the Pyramid
Another Way In
Rock Shock
Hang On
9Marvel Towers |
A Shock for Mini
A Bite Inside
Mission Marvel
Race Against Time
9CODE Control |
Codes Countdown
The Last Bite
Eye to Eye
Stop Code
*Please note that in order to view the files above, you will need to have Adobe Acrobat Reader, Windows Media Player or Apple QuickTime which can be downloaded for free from the makers' websites.
※PDFファイルはAdobe Acrobat Readerで閲覧できます。また、MP3ファイルはWindows Media PlayerまたはQuickTimeで再生できます。ソフトウェアは各メーカーのウェブサイトでダウンロードして頂けます。