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Introduction to Genomics (3rd edition)
Introduction to Genomics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Genomics (3rd edition)

Arthur M. Lesk
  • This fully updated and restructured new edition, which includes two new chapters, takes account of new developments and technologies, presenting a logical and coherent overview of genome science today.
  • The author's widely-praised writing style leads the reader through a conceptually challenging subject in a clear, lucid way, building confidence in, and enthusiasm for, the subject at the outset.
  • Broad and fascinating range of 'real world' examples, which are also relevant across genetics modules more widely.
  • New 'looking forward' feature making the links between each chapter explicit and helping students connect seemingly different topics.
  • Extensive learning tools throughout - most notably the exercises, problems and online weblems accompanying each chapter - encourage and support self-directed learning, helping the student to master the subject.
  • An Online Resource Centre featuring an extensive range of resources for both lecturers and students, enhancing the value of the book as a teaching and learning tool.

New to this Edition:

  • Two new chapters focused on human genomics, health and disease with particular emphasis on the concrete outcomes of the human genome project and advances in cancer genomics.
  • A comprehensive introductory chapter that 'sets the scene' for new students of genomics.
  • A new feature that links the topics covered in each chapter.
  • New and updated chapter exercises, problems and weblems.
  • Highlighted key terms are collated in a glossary at the end of the book.

Our genome is the blueprint for our existence: it encodes all the information we need to develop from a single cell into a hugely complicated functional organism. Yet it is more than a static information store: our genome is a dynamic, tightly-regulated collection of genes, which switch on and off in many combinations to give the variety of cells from which our bodies are formed. But how do we identify the genes that make up our genome? How do we determine their function? And how do different genes form the regulatory networks that direct the processes of life?

Introduction to Genomics is the most up-to-date and complete textbook for students approaching the subject for the first time. Lesk's engaging writing style brings a narrative to a disparate field of study and offers a fascinating insight into what can be revealed from the study of genomes. The book covers: the similarities and differences between organisms; how different organisms evolved; how the genome is constructed and how it operates; and what our understanding of genomics means in terms of our future health and wellbeing. 

The Online Resource Centre accompanying Introduction to Genomics features: 

For students
- Extensive and imaginative weblems (web-based problems) for each chapter designed to give you practice with the tools required for further study and research in the field
- Hints and answers to end-of-chapter problems and exercises support your self-directed learning
- Guided tour of websites and major archival databanks in genomics offer a wealth of resources to springboard your own research 
- Journal club: links to related research articles on topics covered in the book are paired with engaging questions to improve your interpretation of the primary literature
- Rotating figures allow you to visualize complex structures

For adopting lecturers
- Downloadable figures from the book.


1: Introduction
2: The Human Genome Project
3: Mapping, Sequencing, Annotation, and Databases
4: Evolution and Genomic Change
5: Genomes of Prokaryotes and Viruses
6: Genomes of Eukaryotes
7: Comparative Genomics
8: The Impact of Genomics on Human Health and Disease
9: Genomics and Anthropology
10: Transcriptomics
11: Proteomics
12: Metabolomics
13: Systems Biology

About the author: 

Arthur Lesk, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, The Pennsylvania State University

Product details

ISBN : 9780198754831

Arthur M. Lesk
492 Pages
195 x 265 mm
Pub date
Mar 2017
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Introduction to Genomics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Genomics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Genomics (3rd edition)