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Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases with ebook (2nd edition)

Hal Blumenfeld

This book brings a pioneering interactive approach to the teaching of neuroanatomy, using over 100 actual clinical cases and high-quality radiologic images to bring the subject to life. This edition is fully updated with the latest advances and includes several exciting new cases and a 2-year subscription to the interactive eBook.


How to Use This Book
1. Introduction to Clinical Case Presentations
2. Neuroanatomy Overview and Basic Definitions
3. The Neurologic Exam as a Lesson in Neuroanatomy
4. Introduction to Clinical Neuroradiology
5. Brain and Environs: Cranium, Ventricles, and Meninges
6. Corticospinal Tract and Other Motor Pathways
7. Somatosensory Pathways
8. Spinal Nerve Roots
9. Major Plexuses and Peripheral Nerves
10. Cerebral Hemispheres and Vascular Supply
11. Visual System
12. Brainstem I: Surface Anatomy and Cranial Nerves
13. Brainstem II: Eye Movements and Pupillary Control
14. Brainstem III: Internal Structures and Vascular Supply
15. Cerebellum
16. Basal Ganglia
17. Pituitary and Hypothalamus
18. Limbic System: Homeostasis, Olfaction, Memory, and Emotion
19. Higher-Order Cerebral Function
Epilogue: A Simple Working Model of the Mind

About the author: 

Hal Blumenfeld is Professor in the Departments of Neurology, Neurobiology, and Neurosurgery at Yale University School of Medicine. He has taught neuroanatomy at Harvard, Yale, and Columbia Universities using the approach of Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases, which the students greeted with highly favorable feedback. He recently received the prestigious Francis Gilman Blake Award, as the most outstanding teacher of medical sciences at the Yale School of Medicine, and the Dreifuss-Penry Epilepsy Research Award from the American Academy of Neurology. He has also been awarded several major grants (from the National Institutes of Health, and private foundations) to pursue his research, which focuses on epilepsy as a model system for investigating consciousness. Current projects include neuroimaging, neurophysiology, and behavioral experiments in animal models of epilepsy, and direct application to human patients.

Product details

Hal Blumenfeld
Pub date
Mar 2010
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Neuroanatomy through Clinical Cases with ebook (2nd edition)