20世紀にその名を刻む哲学者、バートランド・ラッセル(1872-1970年)。本書は、分析哲学の提唱者の一人として名高く、また論理学者、数学者としても優れた功績を残したラッセルの生涯を追います。教育や政治などの分野でも貢献したラッセルの視点とは、どのようなものだったのでしょうか。(cf. Analytic Philosophy, #542)
Bertrand Russell (1872-1970) is one of the most famous and important philosophers of the twentieth century. In this account of his life and work A.C. Grayling introduces both his technical contributions to logic and philosophy, and his wide-ranging views on education, politics, war, and sexual morality. Russell is credited with being one of the prime movers of Analytic Philosophy, and with having played a part in the revolution in social attitudes witnessed throughout the twentieth-century world. This introduction gives a clear survey of Russell's achievements across their whole range.
1: Life and Work
2: Logic and Philosophy
3: Philosophy, Mind and Science
4: Politics and society
5: Russell's influence
ISBN : 9780192802583