Microscopy is a dynamic area of science, incorporating both basic classroom microscopes and sophisticated research style instruments that can be driven by light, electrons, or X-rays. The rate of advance in the area over the last 50 years has led to a number of technological advances.
In this Very Short Introduction Terence Allen, an established expert on microscope techniques, describes the scientific principles behind the main forms of microscopy, and the exciting new developments in the field. Focusing on the main underlying principles, and introducing the power of what is achievable today using microscopes, Allen demonstrates how microscopy impinges on almost every aspect of our daily lives; from medical diagnosis to quality control in manufacture. Beginning with a brief history of the early stages of microscopy development, Allen then concludes with a comprehensive account of the diverse spectrum of microscopy available today.
"The author has succeeded, in his turn, in fulfilling the requirements and goals behind the idea of writing a very short introduction about microscopy. Every chapter in his book is stimulating to anyone curious about microscopy. I invite you to read Microscopy: A very short Introduction by Terence Allen." - Ahmed A. Al-Tabbakh, Contemporary Physics
1: Microscopy and the discovery of a new world
2: A spectrum of microscopies
3: Light microscopy- from Abbe to superresolution
4: Identifying what we see- from FISH to quantum dots
5: Electron microscopy-The dawn of atomic resolution
6: The Electron microscopy of surfaces- scanning electron microscopy
7: Microscopy and nanotechnology- magnification by other routes
8: The impact of microscopy
Further reading
ISBN : 9780198701262