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Solutions Manual to accompany Elements of Physical Chemistry 7e (7th edition)
Solutions Manual to accompany Elements of Physical Chemistry 7e (7th edition)

The Solutions Manual to Accompany Elements of Physical Chemistry 7th edition contains full worked solutions to all end-of-chapter discusssion questions and exercises featured in the book. The manual provides helpful comments and friendly advice to aid understanding. It is also a valuable resource for any lecturer who wishes to use the extensive selection of exercises featured in the text to support either formative or summative assessment, and wants labour-saving, ready access to the full solutions to these questions.


1: The properties of gases
2: The First Law of thermodynamics
3: The Second Law of thermodynamics
4: Physical transformations
5: Chemical change
6: Chemical kinetics
7: Quantum theory
8: Atomic structure
9: The chemical bond
10: Molecular interactions
11: Molecular spectroscopy
12: Statistical thermodynamics
13: Magnetic resonance
14: Macromolecules and aggregates
15: Solids

About the author: 

David Smith, Faculty Education Director and Undergraduate Dean for the Faculty of Science, and Deputy Head of the School of Chemistry, Bristol University

Product details

ISBN : 9780198798651

David Smith
560 Pages
189 x 246 mm
Pub date
Sep 2017
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Solutions Manual to accompany Elements of Physical Chemistry 7e (7th edition)

Solutions Manual to accompany Elements of Physical Chemistry 7e (7th edition)

Solutions Manual to accompany Elements of Physical Chemistry 7e (7th edition)