The Solutions Manual to Accompany Elements of Physical Chemistry 7th edition contains full worked solutions to all end-of-chapter discusssion questions and exercises featured in the book. The manual provides helpful comments and friendly advice to aid understanding. It is also a valuable resource for any lecturer who wishes to use the extensive selection of exercises featured in the text to support either formative or summative assessment, and wants labour-saving, ready access to the full solutions to these questions.
1: The properties of gases
2: The First Law of thermodynamics
3: The Second Law of thermodynamics
4: Physical transformations
5: Chemical change
6: Chemical kinetics
7: Quantum theory
8: Atomic structure
9: The chemical bond
10: Molecular interactions
11: Molecular spectroscopy
12: Statistical thermodynamics
13: Magnetic resonance
14: Macromolecules and aggregates
15: Solids
ISBN : 9780198798651