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The Poetic Edda (2nd edition)
The Poetic Edda (2nd edition)
  • A new edition of the famous collection of Norse-Icelandic mythological and heroic poetry known as the Poetic Edda, with fully revised translations and updated introduction and notes.
  • Includes three new poems and revised translations drawing on the latest scholarship.
  • Expanded introduction provides an informative overview of the poems and an outline of Norse myth and heroic legend as well as the poems' later reception and influence on writers such as J. R. R. Tolkien and Alan Garner, and on popular culture, including film and television.
  • Up-to-date bibliography.
  • Appendix including an alternative version of 'The Seeress's Prophecy'.
  • Revised Explanatory Notes.
  • Genealogies of gods, giants, and heroes.
  • Annoted Index of Names.

New to this Edition:

  • Revised and expanded introduction that looks at the work's influence on Tolkien, C. S. Lewis and children's authors, and on popular culture including films, TV (The Game of Thrones), and heavy metal.
  • Fully revised translation drawing on the most recent scholarship and including three new poems, 'Groa's Chant', 'The Sayings of Fiolsvinn' (together comprising 'The Lay of Svipdag') and 'The Waking of Angantyr'.
  • Expanded and updated Bibliography.
  • Appendix: alternative version of 'The Seeress's Prophecy'.
  • Revised notes.

'She sees, coming up a second time,
Earth from the ocean, eternally green;
the waterfalls plunge, an eagle soars above them,
over the mountain hunting fish.'

After the terrible conflagration of Ragnarok, the earth rises serenely again from the ocean, and life is renewed. The Poetic Edda begins with The Seeress's Prophecy which recounts the creation of the world, and looks forward to its destruction and rebirth. In this great collection of Norse-Icelandic mythological and heroic poetry, the exploits of gods and humans are related. The one-eyed Odin, red-bearded Thor, Loki the trickster, the lovely goddesses and the giants who are their enemies walk beside the heroic Helgi, Sigurd the Dragon-Slayer, Brynhild the shield-maiden, and the implacable Gudrun. New in this revised translation are the quest-poem The Lay of Svipdag and The Waking of Angantyr, in which a girl faces down her dead father to retrieve his sword.
Comic, tragic, instructive, grandiose, witty and profound, the poems of the Edda have influenced artists from Wagner to Tolkien and a new generation of video-game and film makers.

"Larringtons version of The Poetic Edda has been beautifully translated, and the flow of each poem is perfect." - Kirsty Hewitt, Book Hugger

"A 750-year-old haul of Icelandic verse might not sound like cutting-edge entertainment but these sinewy sagas include such modern elements as gutsy heroines and ultra-violence." - Christopher Hirst, Independent

"these sinewy sagas include such modern elements as gutsy heroines and ultra-violence" - Independent


Note on the Translation
Select Bibliography
Main Genealogies of Giants, Gods, and Heroes

The Seeress's Prophecy
Sayings of the High One
Vafthrudnir's Sayings
Grimnir's Sayings
Skirnir's Journey
Harbard's Song
Hymir's Poem
Loki's Quarrel
Thrm's Poem
The Poem of Volund
All-wise's Sayings
The First Poem of Helgi Hundingsbani
The Poem of Helgi Hiorvardsson
A Second Poem of Helgi Hundingsbani
The Death of Sinfiotli
Gripir's Prophecy
The Lay of Regin
The Lay of Fafnir
The Lay of Sigrdrifa
Fragment of a Poem about Sigurd
The First Poem of Gudrun
A Short Poem about Sigurd

About the author: 

Carolyne Larrington, Supernumerary Fellow and Tutor in Medieval English Literature, St John's College, University of Oxford
Carolyne Larrington has published widely on Old Norse myth, legends, and literature, inlcuding co-editing two volumes of essays on eddic poetry wiht Paul Acker. Her books include King Arthur's Enchantresses: Morgan and Her Sisters in Arthurian Tradition (IB Tauris, 2006) and Magical Tales: Myth, Legend and Enchantment in Children's Books (with Diane Purkiss, Bodleian Library, 2013).

"She sees, coming up a second time, Earth from the ocean, eternally green; the waterfalls plunge, an eagle soars above them, over the mountain hunting fish."

Oxford World's Classics presents a fully revised translation of the great collection of Norse-Icelandic mythological and heroic poetry known as The Poetic Edda, containing the narratives of the creation of the world and the coming of Ragnarok, the Doom of the Gods. Gods, giants, and human heroes populate the poems.

Comic, tragic, instructive, grandiose, witty and profound, the poems of the Edda have influenced artists from Wagner to Tolkien and a new generation of video-game and film makers.

To listen to Professor Carolyne Larrington, editor of the Oxford World's Classics edition, introduce The Poetic Edda click on the links below.

Introduction to The Poems

The history of the poems

The Cultural Legacy

The Study of The Poetic Edda

Product details

ISBN : 9780199675340

Carolyne Larrington
384 Pages
129 x 194 mm
Pub date
Sep 2014
Oxford World's Classics
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The Poetic Edda (2nd edition)

The Poetic Edda (2nd edition)

The Poetic Edda (2nd edition)