In this increasingly regulated, but contested, climate, teacher education has become a field of study separate from the study of learning or teaching itself. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Global Perspectives on Teacher Education includes new articles on innovative, grounded, and theory-based work being done by established global scholars who are interrogating educational issues related to teacher education. A major aim of the project is to pave the way for scholars to learn from each other, recognizing not only similarities but also differences in perspectives, and in doing so, encourage those working in teacher education to create more sustainable, focused, and collaborative approaches to the merging of theory and practice.
The Encyclopedia is international in scope and encompasses the breadth of significant scholarship in the field of teacher education from both well-known and emerging scholars. Comprehensive in nature, it includes new foundational essays on the most pressing issues impacting teacher education and includes analytic essays from across the globe. Topics include a balance of critical, historical, psychological, and sociological perspectives. Written with both early-career and more experienced scholars in mind, the collection provides international perspectives on crucial topics such as social justice and equity in teacher education, and features a number of scholars from Indigenous communities and the Global South.
As teacher education is increasingly held responsible for everything from falling PISA rankings, widening achievement gaps, and lower student outcomes to even poverty itself, this volume is particularly timely in its collection of the most significant thinking and research in the field.
Agency in Teacher Education
Applying Disability Critical Race Theory (DisCrit) in the Practice of Teacher Education in the United States
Art-Informed Pedagogies in the Preparation of Teachers
Blended Learning in Teacher Education
Bourdieu and Education
Community-based Experiential Learning in Teacher Education
Community-Engaged Teacher Preparation
Complexity Theory and Teacher Education
Conceptions and Models of Teacher Education
Concepts of Care in Teacher Education
Core Reflection Approach in Teacher Education
'Crisis' in Teacher Education, The
Critical Media Literacy in Teacher Education, Theory, and Practice
Culturally Responsive Classroom Management
Culturally Responsive Pedagogy in Teacher Education
Deleuze and Guattari and Teacher Education
Early Childhood Teacher Education in Global Perspective
Educating Teachers for High-Poverty Schools
Education and Activism
Emotion and Teacher Education
Ethnographic Inquiry in Teacher Education
Exploration of Evolving Approaches to Teacher Identity Revealed in Literature on Teaching from 2010 to 2018, An
Gender and Sexual Diversity in Teacher Education
Global Orientations, Local Challenges, and Promises in Initial Teacher Education
Globalization, Digital Technology, and Teacher Education in the United States
Heuristic Inquiry in Teacher Education
Impact of Educational Neoliberalism on Teachers in Singapore, The
Indigenous Australian Studies, Indigenist Standpoint Pedagogy, and Student Resistance
Indigenous Teacher Education in Canada and Aotearoa New Zealand
Influence of Pedagogical Entrepreneurship in Teacher Education, The
Influence of Teacher Education on Teacher Beliefs, The
Inquiry-Based Learning and its Enhancement of the Practice of Teaching
John Dewey and Teacher Education
Learner Engagement in Teacher Education
Longitudinal Study of Teachers
Mentoring in Teacher Education, The Role of
Online Networks in Teacher Education
Performance-Based Assessment in Preparing Teachers
Postcolonial Theory in Teacher Education
Preparing Assessment-Literate Teachers
Preparing Pre-service Teachers for Rural Schools
Preparing Teachers for Collaborative Classrooms
Professional Experience for International Students within the Australian Teacher Education Context
Professionalizing Teacher Education Accountability
Real-Time Coaching for Pre-Service Teachers
Research on Racism in Teacher Education in the United States
Reviews of Teachers' Beliefs
School Based Pre-service (Initial) Teacher Training Programs in the United States of America and the United Kingdom
School-Based Professional Development Programs for Beginning Teachers
Simple and Complex Views of Teacher Development
Simulation as a Strategy in Teacher Education
Spiritual Development and Preparation of Teachers
Standards and Benchmarks in Teacher Training Programs
Status of Teachers, The
Status, Content, and Evaluation of Lesson Study in Japan on Teacher Professional Development
Systemic Functional Linguistics in Teacher Education
Teacher Education and Inclusion in the Asia-Pacific Region
Teacher Education and Inclusivity
Teacher Education and Lesson Study
Teacher Education and Refugee Students
Teacher Education and the Global Impact of Teach For All
Teacher Education and Whiteness and Whiteness in Teacher Education in the United States
Teacher Education for Bi/Multilingual Students
Teacher Education for Cultural and Linguistic Diversity in the United States
Teacher Education in Australia
Teacher Education in Finland and Future Directions
Teacher Education in Germany
Teacher Education in México
Teacher Education in New Zealand
Teacher Education in Russia
Teacher Education in Singapore
Teacher Education Reform in the Asia-Pacific Region
Teacher Education Research
Teacher Identity Research and Development
Teacher Leadership and Professionality
Teacher Preparation for Physical Education in an Increasingly Sedentary World in Singapore
Teacher Quality in Singapore
Teacher Research in Teacher Education
Teacher Training for the Transformation of Schools and Communities
Teachers' Knowledge for the Digital Age
Theories of Generative Change in Teacher Education
Transforming Teacher Education in South Africa
Translanguaging in Educating Teachers of Language-Minoritized Students
Trauma-Informed Practice for Pre-service Teachers
Well-being and the Preparation of Teachers
ISBN : 9780190670221