現代社会において大きな問題になっているメンタルヘルス。本書ではうつ病と双極性障害(躁うつ病)を取り上げ、この病の概念に関する歴史を振り返ります。今日用いられている抗うつ剤や安定剤が創薬されるまでにはどんなことがあったのでしょうか。うつ病の兆候や症状、その他の体調との関係を概観し、気分障害と創造力の関係性にも目を向けます。子どものうつ病や、抗うつ薬、さらには抗うつ剤の副作用が引き起こす自殺など、議論の的となっている問題に向き合いながら、今後の展望についても解説します。(cf. Depression: What Everyone Needs to Know)
What is depression? What is bipolar disorder? How are they diagnosed and how are they treated? Can a small child be diagnosed with depression and treated with antidepressants - and should they be?
Covering depression, manic depression, and bipolar disorder, this Very Short Introductiongives a brief account of the history of these concepts, before focussing on the descriptions and understanding of these disorders today. Jan Scott and Mary Jane Tacchi look at the introduction of modern treatments for people suffering from depression, recounting the stories behind the development and introduction of antidepressants and mood stabilizers. They examine the symptoms and signs of the different disorders, as well as the association between physical disorders and depression. Exploring the importance of depression and bipolar disorder in society, they also look at the link between creativity and mood disorders. Scott and Tacchi conclude by discussing treatments and the future for those with depression.
1 A very short history of melancholia
2 The modern era: diagnosis and classification of depression
3 Who is at risk of depression?
4 Models of depression
5 The evolution of treatments
6 Current controversies, future directions
7 Depression in modern society
Further Reading
"Its biggest strengths are its clear writing-style, succinct delivery, and scope. The authors have endeavored to capture the broad range of issues surrounding depression within a little over 100 pages, and have arguably succeeded, without much loss of depth or accuracy." - Daniel J. Dunleavy, Metapsychology
ISBN : 9780199558650