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Raffles: The Amateur Cracksman
Raffles: The Amateur Cracksman

Raffles: The Amateur Cracksman

E. W. Hornung; Nicholas Daly
  • Raffles was described by Arthur Conan Doyle as an inversion of Sherlock Holmes, performing formally pleasing crimes throughout late Victorian London under the motto "Art for art's sake"
  • Hornung had Oscar Wilde in mind as much as Sherlock Holmes, and the account of their double life offers one of the turn of the century's most sympathetic accounts of a same-sex couple
  • An important text for those studying detective fiction, the fin de siècle, and Wilde and his circle
  • Provides an authoritative but accessible introduction to Hornung's work, as well as an extensive set of notes and critical apparatus

Art for art's sake is a vile catchword, but I confess it appeals to me'
Gentleman by day and thief by night, A. J. Raffles lives a double life. Taking 'Art for art's sake' as his motto, Raffles supports his debonair lifestyle by performing lucrative, artistic, and ingenious burglaries of the wealthy elite of Victorian London. Dedicated to his brother-in-law Arthur Conan Doyle, Hornung's first collection of Raffles stories, The Amateur Cracksman (1899), can be seen as an inverted spin-off of the former's celebrated detective stories. But it is Raffles' outlaw status that has drawn generations of readers to these swift-paced tales of a charismatic and cool-headed thief and his less worldly partner, Bunny. Hornung had Oscar Wilde in mind as much as Sherlock Holmes when he created Raffles, and the account of their double life offers one of the turn of the century's most touching accounts of a same-sex couple.
Frequently adapted for stage and screen, Hornung's original stories have never lost their power to captivate readers. Admired by writers like George Orwell, Graham Greene, and Anthony Powell, Hornung's crisp prose evokes a late Victorian London of clubland bachelors, hansom cabs, champagne suppers, Australian heiresses, and South African diamond moguls.


Note on the Text
Select Bibliography
A Chronology of E. W. Hornung

The Ides of March
A Costume Piece
Gentlemen and Players
Le Premier Pas
Wilful Murder
Nine Points of the Law
The Return Match
The Gift of the Emperor
from The Black Mask
Narrator's Note
No Sinecure
A Jubilee Present
Explanatory Notes

About the author: 

E. W. Hornung
Edited by Nicholas Daly, University College Dublin

Nicholas Daly is Professor of Modern English and American Literature at University College Dublin, and a member of the Royal Irish Academy. His publications include the monographs Modernism, Romance, and the Fin de Siècle (1999), Literature, Technology and Modernity (2004), Sensation and Modernity in the 1860s (2009), The Demographic Imagination and the Nineteenth-Century City: Paris, London, New York (2015), and Ruritania: A Cultural History (Oxford University Press, 2020). For Oxford World's Classics he has edited Baroness Orczy's The Scarlet Pimpernel, Anthony Hope's The Prisoner of Zenda, and Arthur Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet.

Product details

ISBN : 9780192866349

E. W. Hornung; Nicholas Daly
240 Pages
196 x 129 mm
Pub date
Sep 2024
Oxford World's Classics
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Raffles: The Amateur Cracksman

Raffles: The Amateur Cracksman

Raffles: The Amateur Cracksman