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Secession and State Creation: What Everyone Needs to Know®
Secession and State Creation: What Everyone Needs to Know®
  • Explores the intersection of politics, law, history, and international relations in state creation
  • A lucid and authoritative look at a timely issue
  • Provides an introduction to the difficult but unavoidable questions that arise when regions contemplate secession

What makes a state? This question has attracted more and more attention in recent years with Catalan's illegal vote for independence from Spain and Palestine's ongoing search for international recognition. And while Scotland chose to remain with the United Kingdom, discussions of independence have only continued as the ramifications of the Brexit vote begin to set in. Kosovo, South Sudan, and the situation in Ukraine--each in its way reveals the perils of creating a nation separate from neighbors who have dominated it. 
As James Ker-Lindsay and Mikulas Fabry show in this new addition to the What Everyone Needs to Know® series, the road to statehood never did run smooth. Declaring independence is only the first step; gaining both local and global acceptance is necessary before a state can become truly independent. The prospect of losing territory is usually not welcomed by the parent state, and any such threat to an existing culture and its economy is often met with resistance--armed or otherwise. Beyond this immediate conflict, the international community often refuses to accept new states without proof of defined territory, a settled population, and effective government, which frequently translates to a democratic one with demonstrated respect for human rights. Covering the legal, political, and practical issues of secession and state creation, Ker-Lindsay and Fabry provide a sure-footed guide to a complex topic.



Chapter 1: Statehood and Secession in International Politics
Chapter 2: Historical Approaches to State Creation and Secession
Chapter 3: State Creation and Secession since Decolonisation
Chapter 4: Independence and the Institutions of Statehood
Chapter 5: Joining the International Community

Appendix A: Growth of UN Membership, 1945-
Appendix B: UN General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV), 1960
Recommended Reading

About the author: 

James Ker-Lindsay is Eurobank Senior Research Fellow on the Politics of South East Europe at the European Institute, London School of Economics and Political Science.
Mikulas Fabry is Associate Professor in the Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Product details

ISBN : 9780190494049

James Ker-Lindsay; Mikulas Fabry
176 Pages
140 x 210 mm
Pub date
Dec 2022
What Everyone Needs to Know
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Secession and State Creation: What Everyone Needs to Know®

Secession and State Creation: What Everyone Needs to Know®

Secession and State Creation: What Everyone Needs to Know®