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Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction [#043]
Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction [#043]
  • Simon Critchley is one of the clearest writers on this topic, and has a proven track record of writing accessibly for a non-specialist readership
  • Continental philosophy is one of the most popular philosophy courses at undergraduate level in Britain and the US
  • Covers philosophers such as Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Habermas, Foucault, and Derrida
  • Discusses the reasons for the 'split' between Continental and Anglo-American philosophy, and argues that philosophers should now attempt to overcome this divide

Simon Critchley's Very Short Introduction shows that Continental philosophy encompasses a distinct set of philosophical traditions and practices, with a compelling range of problems all too often ignored by the analytic tradition. He discusses the ideas and approaches of philosophers such as Kant, Hegel, Nietzsche, Husserl, Heidegger, Sartre, Habermas, Foucault, and Derrida, and introduces key concepts such as existentialism, nihilism, and phenomenology by explaining their place in the Continental tradition.


List of Illustrations

1: The gap between knowledge and wisdom
2: Origins of Continental Philosophy - How to get from Kant to German Idealism
3: Two Cultures in Philosophy - the need for both spectacles and eyes to see with
4: Can philosophy change the world? Critique, praxis, emancipation
5: What is to be done? How to respond to nihilism
6: A case study in misunderstanding: Heidegger and Carnap
7: Scientism versus obscurantism: avoiding the traditional predicament in philosophy
8: Sapere aude - the exhaustion of theory and the promise of philosophy
Further Reading

About the author: 

Simon Critchley is Reader in Philosophy at Essex and Directeur de Programme at the College International de Philosophie, Paris. He is author of The Ethics of Deconstruction (Blackwell, 1992), Very Little Almost Nothing (Routledge, 1997), and Ethics, Politics, Subjectivity (Verso, 1998), and has also edited a number of collections, including the Blackwell Companion to Continental Philosophy.

Product details

ISBN : 9780192853592

Simon Critchley
168 Pages
111 x 174 mm
Pub date
Feb 2001
Very Short Introductions
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Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction [#043]

Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction [#043]

Continental Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction [#043]