Oxford World's Classics (OWC)は、誰もが知る有名な物語から一般読者にはなじみの薄い隠れた名作まで、古典や文芸作品の数々を100年以上に渡り提供し続けているオックスフォード大学出版局を代表する叢書です。

OWC 取扱タイトル一覧
Introducing Oxford World's Classics, bringing readers closer to the world's greatest literature.
OWC News
Oxford World’s Classics (The Oxford Shakespeare)
Very Short Introductions
- William Shakespeare: A Very Short Introduction by Stanley Wells (Published 2015)
- Shakespeare’s Comedies: A Very Short Introduction by Bart van Es (Published 2016)
- Shakespeare’s Tragedies: A Very Short Introduction by Stanley Wells (Published 2017)
- Shakespeare’s Sonnets and Poems: A Very Short Introduction by Jonathan F. S. Post (Published 2017)
Selected Resources
- Shakespeare’s First Folio: Four Centuries of an Iconic Book by Emma Smith, 9780192886644 (Estimated April 2023)
- Shakespeare Without a Life by Margreta de Grazia, 9780198812548 (Estimated May 2023)
- Shakespeare’s Syndicate: The First Folio, its Publishers, and the Early Modern Book Trade by Ben Higgins, 9780192848840 (Published 2022)
- Shakespeare: A Playgoer’s & Reader’s Guide by Michael Dobson and Stanley Wells, 9780198855231 (Published 2020)
- Shakespeare on Page and Stage: Selected Essays by Stanley Wells and Paul Edmondson, H/C: 9780198884569; Pbk: 9780198884569 (Estimated May 2023)
New Titles