
Angels: A Very Short Introduction [#287]
Angels: A Very Short Introduction [#287]

天使とはどういう存在なのでしょうか。初めて出現した場所は? 神や妖精、幽霊、異星人などと、天使との違いは何なのでしょう。キリスト教、ユダヤ教、イスラームなど、広い時代でさまざまな宗教に登場する天使、誰もが思い描く典型的な天使のイメージなど、時代を超えて愛され続ける天使の世界に読者を誘います。

  • A unique history of angels including prominent stories and speculations about angels in several different religions, including Judaism, Islam, and Christianity
  • Explores how angels have been portrayed in art, literature, and cinema
  • Considers the implications of angels, why people find the idea of angels attractive, helpful, or consoling, and why they remain so powerful in modern culture

What are angels? Where were they first encountered? Can we distinguish angels from gods, fairies, ghosts, and aliens? And why do they remain so popular? 

This Very Short Introduction outlines some of the more prominent stories and speculations about angels in Judaism, Islam, Christianity and post-Christian spiritualities. It reflects on the way that angels have been portrayed in art, whether as young men in the Hebrew Scriptures, androgynous winged creatures of the pre-Raphaelites or the masculine statue of the Angel of the North. It will also consider angels in films such as Wim Wenders' Wings of Desire, and Frank Capra's It's a Wonderful Life, as well as angels in literature.

From the idea of the angel as a messenger, through to the image of angels sent to protect and help those in need, this is an examination of the implications of angels. It will ask why people find the idea of angels attractive, helpful or consoling, and why they remain so powerful in modern culture. 

It advances the view that reflecting on angels can teach us something about human existence and whether or not we believe that they exist in their own right, the angels can still illuminate our thoughts.


1: Preface
2: A brief history of angels
3: Picturing angels
4: What is an angel?
5: Divine messengers
6: Ministering spirits
7: Heavenly hosts
8: Fallen angels
9: Wrestling with angels
1: Preface
2: A brief history of angels
3: Picturing angels
4: What is an angel?
5: Divine messangers
6: Ministering spirits
7: Heavenly hosts
8: Fallen angels
9: Wrestling with angels
Further reading


Professor David Jones is Director of The Anscombe Bioethics Centre in Oxford, and was previously the Academic Director in the School of Theology, Philosophy, and History at St Mary's University College, Twickenham. He has written three previous books, Approaching the End: a theological exploration of death and dying (OUP, 2007), The Soul of the Embryo: an enquiry into the status of the human embryo in the Christian tradition (Continuum, 2004), and An Introduction to the Catholic Faith (Family Publications, 1999).

Review from previous edition 
Small but perfectly formed volume...everyone should have this book. - Peter Brookesmith, Fortean Times

If anybody should know about angels, it's this guy... a very intelligent but very accessibly history. - Kate Saunders, BBC Radio 2

A colourful and comprehensive overview of our fascination with angels. - Peter Stamford, The Independent

As a guide to the celestial realms, I would put my faith in him any day. - Peter Stamford, The Independent

This is a good book. - Stephen Cave, Financial Times

The first stop for anyone seriously interested in angels. - Christopher Howse, The Telegraph


ISBN : 9780199547302

David Albert Jones
160 ページ
111 x 174 mm
Very Short Introductions





Angels: A Very Short Introduction [#287]

Angels: A Very Short Introduction [#287]

Angels: A Very Short Introduction [#287]