修正第2条で人民の武装権が規定され、総力戦となった南北戦争では職業軍人が活躍。WW1では戦車、航空機、機関銃、毒ガス等の新兵器が戦争を大きく変え、新技術を積極的に活用して2度の世界大戦に勝利しました。核兵器の大量製造と配備が行なわれた冷戦下では直接戦争を回避。朝鮮、ベトナム戦争、アフガニスタン侵攻、イラク戦争など代理戦争時代に突入します。そして9.11以降、従来の戦争概念が通用しないテロやサイバー攻撃の脅威に晒されています。ジェームズタウン上陸以来、米国に欠かせない軍の伝統と遺産を顧み、未来を展望します。(cf. The U.S. Special Forces: What Everyone Needs to Know)
Since the first English settlers landed at Jamestown with the legacy of centuries of European warfare in tow, the military has been an omnipresent part of America. In American Military History: A Very Short Introduction, Joseph T. Glatthaar explores this relationship from its origins in the thirteen colonies to today's ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.
During the Revolutionary War, tension grew between local militias and a standing army. The Founding Fathers attempted to strike a balance, enshrining an army, navy, and a "well-regulated Militia" in the Constitution. The US soon witnessed the rise of a professional military, a boon to its successes in the War of 1812, the Mexican War, and the Civil War. However, after the Civil War, the US struggled to learn that the purpose of a peacetime army is to prepare for war.
When war did arrive, it arrived with a vengeance, gutting the trenches of the Great War with effective innovations: tanks, planes, machine guns, and poison gas. The US embraced the technology that would win both world wars and change the nature of battle in the Second World War. The US emerged from World War II as the most powerful nation in the war, but over the next several decades it was forced to confront the limits of its power. The nuclear era brought encounters defined by stalemate--from the Cold War conflicts of Korea and Vietnam to the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Since 9/11, the US has been frustrated by unconventional warfare, including terrorism and cyberwar, largely negating the technological advantage it had held. Glatthaar examines all these challenges, looking to the future of the U.S. military and its often proud and complicated legacy.
Chapter 1: Citizen-Soldier and Sailor vs. Standing Armed Forces
Chapter 2: The Struggle for Military Professionalism
Chapter 3: Technology, Mechanization, and the World Wars
Chapter 4: The Limits of Power
Further Reading
ISBN : 9780199859252