
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology

Li-fang Zhang
  • Provides the first comprehensive, systematic, theory-driven, and evidence-based review of the literature on educational psychology
  • Strong international representation
  • Will appeal to a wide range of readers, including students, researchers, and practitioners

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology is the first reference work on educational psychology that can truly be said to be comprehensive, systematic, theory-driven, and evidence-based. This collection of full-length articles by leading scholars specializing in a wide array of topics signifying the diverse origins and theoretical and philosophical foundations of the field situates educational psychology within the larger contexts of psychology and education.
The Encyclopedia also distinguishes itself by its strong international representation - in terms of not only its contributors but also the sources of the literature. Contributors from different parts of the world have incorporated relevant theoretical perspectives and empirical work conducted in diverse cultures into the broader context of the topics they examined. The articles are not simply reflections of individual contributors' perspectives; rather, they are systematic and in-depth reviews of various domains of educational psychology.
The Encyclopedia has advanced the field of educational psychology by offering new insights into the intricate relationships among the various mechanisms operating in educational psychology by integrating existing empirical work grounded in contemporary and classical theoretical constructs and perspectives from multiple academic fields, and by incorporating new knowledge created as a result of new social, economic, and technological developments. At the same time, the material presented in this work should have practical implications for practitioners in education and beyond in their efforts to foster positive educational outcomes and to design congenial work environments and improve organizational effectiveness. Indeed, all individuals who are engaged in learning, whether it be school learning or everyday learning, should find aspects of the underlying learning principles and empirical findings documented in this Encyclopedia interesting, relevant, and useful.


Academic Coping
Adult Learners
Applying Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning in the Classroom
Assessing Potential for Learning in School Children
Assessment for Learning and Self-Regulation
At-Risk Students
Attribution Theories

The Big Five Personality Trait Factors
Bilingual Effects on Cognition in Children
Bilingualism and Biliteracy

Classroom Discussions
Cognitive Early Education
Cognitive Regulation
Conceptions of Giftedness and Gifted Students
Conceptual Change
Critical Thinking

Defense Mechanisms
The Development of Key Mathematical Competencies: Numerical Magnitude and Equivalence
The Development of Logical Reasoning
Distributed Practice or Spacing Effect
Dynamic Cognitive Assessment for Preschool Age Children
Dyslexia: Conceptualization, Assessment, and Intervention

Education for Sustainable Development and the 'Whole-Person' Curriculum in Japan
Educational Psychology in Sub-Saharan Africa
Embodied Cognition
Emotions in Social-Historical Educational Contexts
Enhancing Students' Assessment Feedback Skills Within Higher Education
Exceptional Learners

Gender and Math Development
Gender Differences in Reading, Writing, and Language Development
Gifted Girls and Women

High-Stakes Assessment in Undergraduate and Post-graduate Studies
High-Stakes Testing and Educational Inequality in K-12

Information Processing and Human Memory
Intellectual Styles
Interdisciplinary Professional Partnerships

Learning in History
Learning Strategies That Help Students SOAR to Success
Learning To Teach Diverse Learners: Teachers and Teacher Preparation in the U.S.
Literacy, Basic Processes, and Interventions for Struggling Readers

Mental Toughness in Education
Metacognition and Epistemic Cognition
The Mnemonic Effects of Retrieval Practice
Motivation and Engagement in Learning
Multiple Document Comprehension

Parental Involvement
Parent-School-Community Partnerships in Mental Health
Peer Tutoring and Cooperative Learning
Post-Piagetian Perspectives of Cognitive Development
The Principles, Possibilities, and Potential Pitfalls of Community-Based Educational Research
Problem Solving
Problem-Based Learning
Psychological Well-Being and Resilience

Race, Ethnicity, and Education in the Anglosphere
Reading Comprehension
Reasoning Abilities
The Role of Field-Dependent/Independent Styles in Learning and Teaching

School Crisis Prevention and Intervention
School-Based Family Counseling
School-Based Mindfulness Interventions
Schooling, Educational Technology, and Teachers' Everyday Practice in Norway
Self-Efficacy of School Principals
Service Learning and Teacher Education
Sociocultural Factors and Global Education Goals of Education for All
Students' Misconceptions and Science Education
Subjective Well-Being and Student Development

Teacher Education and Its Effects on Teaching and Learning
Teacher Self-Efficacy

Vygotskian Theory of Development

Working Memory: Models and Applications
World Language Education and the Pedagogical Imperative


Li-fang Zhang is Professor of Psychology and Education at the University of Hong Kong. She has published dozens of academic book chapters and books, and is the (co)author of more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles and encyclopedic entries. She is the author of two award-winning monographs, The Malleability of Intellectual Styles (Cambridge University Press, 2013) and, with Robert J. Sternberg, The Nature of Intellectual Styles (Routledge, 2006). Her 2017 monograph The Value of Intellectual Styles (Cambridge) was nominated for the Sylvia Scribner Award from Division C of the American Educational Research Association). 
Professor Zhang serves as Associate Editor of both the Journal of Educational Psychology and Educational Psychology. She is also an editorial board member of several psychology and education journals, including Educational Psychology ReviewJournal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, and Thinking Skills and Creativity.
Associate Editors
Carol Evans, University of Southampton
Marco G.P. Hessels, University of Geneva
Alex Kozulin, Achva Academic College
Matthew T. McCrudden, The Pennsylvania State University
Gertina J. van Schalkwyk, University of Macau
Shirley Agostinho
Derek Allen
Laura K. Allen
Masahiro Arimoto
Jeanmarie Badar
Sofia Bahena
Sharon Bailin
Christina A. Barbieri
Sara E. Baszczewski
Mark Battersby
Ellen Bialystok
Julie L. Booth
M. Anne Britt
Jacqueline A. Brown
Andrew C. Butler
Reese Butterfuss
Shana K. Carpenter
Xiaochen Chen
Ian Clark
Rebecca J. Collie
Penelope Collins
Tiphaine Colliot
Phebe Cramer
Jennifer Riedl Cross
Tracy L. Cross
Boele De Raad
Gabriel DellaVecchia
Maria K. DiBenedetto
Kathleen M. Easley
Emily Een
Anastasia Efklides
Paul Eggen
Julian G. Elliott
Irma Eloff
Carol Evans
Weiqiao Fan
Carla M. Firetto
Yael Fisher
Emily Fox
James B. Freeman
Jennifer M.B. Fugate
Brian Gerrard
A. Lin Goodwin
Sandra Graham
Sarah Gravett
Daniel P. Hallahan
Emily Hattouni
H. Carl Haywood
Julianne Herts
Tien Thuy Ho
Christina Ho
Steven J. Howard
Shelva Paulse Hurley
Eric A. Hurley
Julia Karbach
Yuriy Karpov
James M. Kauffman
Panayiota Kendeou
Barbara A. Kerr
Mary Margaret Kerr
Kenneth A. Kiewra
Jasmine Kim
Ashlyn Kincaid
John R. Kirby
Jin Kuan Kok
Rune Johan Krumsvik
Patrick C. Kyllonen
James P. Lantolf
Rebecca Lazarides
Susan C. Levine
Gwendolyn M. Lloyd
Poi Kee Low
Sew Kim Low
Sofie M. M. Loyens
Junrong Lu
Todd Lubart
Linlin Luo
Sheila L. Macrine
Liliana Maggioni
Robyn N. Malmsten
Henry Markovits
Eduardo Martí
Andrew J. Martin
Lucia Mason
Richard E. Mayer
Sarah McGeown
Danielle S. McNamara
Stefan Merchant
Panayiota Metallidou
Boris Mlacic
David Moshman
P. Karen Murphy
Niculina Nae
Gary Natriello
Kristie J. Newton
Sharon L. Nichols
Barbara Otto
Fred Paas
Annemarie Palincsar
Nadine Petersen
Paige C. Pullen
Sarita Ramsaroop
David Reilly
Wilma C. M. Resing
Remy M. J. P. Rikers
Jean Rouet
Samantha Russell
Olivia N. Saracho
Robert Savage
Emily Saxton
Dale H. Schunk
Paul A. Schutz
Stoo Sepp
Rosalyn H. Shute
Øystein Olav Skaar
Ellen Skinner
Ronald W. Solórzano
Helen St. Clair-Thompson
Robert J. Sternberg
Mark Tennant
Sharon Tindall-Ford
Keith J. Topping
David Tzuriel
Ivette Van der Sluijs-Duker
Gertina J. van Schalkwyk
Bart Vogelaar
Stella Vosniadou
Michael Waring
Lisa Marie Warner
Liwei Wei
Lisette Wijnia
Lesley Wood
Dimitrios Zbainos
Cristina D. Zepeda
Li-fang Zhang


ISBN : 9780190874766

Li-fang Zhang
1800 ページ
178 x 254 mm





The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology