The Oxford Encyclopedia of Qualitative Research Methods in Education has brought together scholars from across the globe who use qualitative methods in their research to address the history, current uses, adaptations for specific knowledge domains and situations, and problematics that drive the methodology. The two-volume set is the most comprehensive resource available on qualitative methods in education. For novice researchers, these volumes enable a broad view of the methods and how to enact them in the studies that early-career researchers may wish to conduct. For the experienced researcher, the range of approaches and adaptations covered enables the development of sophisticated methodological designs. For those who are qualitative research methodologists, this book reveals where the methodology has come from and where it is going. Methodologists can use these volumes to discern where new ideas and practices are needed, and provide the bases for new methodological works. For those who teach these methods, the Encyclopedia is an invaluable compendium that can be tapped for inclusion in courses and to enable the instructor to be able to quickly respond to specific student needs with high-quality methodological resources.
Actor-Network Theory
Anarchy and Qualitative Methods
Anthropology and Education in Argentina
Anthropology and Research Methodology
Archives and Qualitative Research in Education (from Foucault and Bourdieu's approaches)
Arts-based Action Research in the North
Arts-Based Research
Biographical Approaches in Education
Biographical Approaches in Education in Germany
Black Feminist Thought and Qualitative Research in Education
Challenges of Qualitative Research in Education
Classification Process of Languages in Schools
Collaboration in Educational Ethnography in Latin America
Comparative Case Study Methodology and Teacher Education
Comparative Case Study Research
Complexity Theory as a Guide to Qualitative Methodology in Teacher Education
Critical Discourse Analysis and Information and Communication Technology in Education
Critical Perspectives on Evaluative Research on Educational Technology Policies in Latin America
Critical Race Theory and Qualitative Methodology in Education
Critical Realism for Ethnography
Culturally Responsive Evaluation as a Form of Critical Qualitative Inquiry
Détournement as a Qualitative Method
Digital Qualitative Methodologies in Education Research in the Digital Culture Context
Discussion Groups and the Documentary Method in Education Research
Education Ethnography of Sensitive Issues
Educational Qualitative Research in Colombia
Entanglements of Ethnography and Participatory Action Research (PAR) in Educational Research in North America, The
Epistemology and Interviews
Ethnographic Methods for Researching Online Learning and E-pedagogy
Ethnographies of Development in SADC Countries
Ethnographies of Education and Anthropological Knowledge Production
Ethnography Across Borders
Ethnography and Education
Ethnography and the Study of "Los Saberes Docentes" (Teaching Knowledge)
Ethnography and the Study of Educational Labor in Latin America
Ethnography in Early Childhood Education
Feminist Theory and its use in Qualitative Research in Education
Foucauldian Discourse Analysis and Early Childhood Education
History of Qualitative Research in Education in China, A
Implications of Queer Theory for Qualitative Research
Intercultural Arts
Interviewing Elites in the Educational Field
Interviews and Interviewing in the Ethnography of Education
Latin American Perspectives on Participatory Methodologies in Educational Research
Life Stories, Criminal Justice, and Caring Research
Meta-ethnography in Education
Multi-sited Global Ethnography
Navigating Kaupapa Maori Fields of Knowledge
Network Ethnography as an Approach for the Study of New Governance Structures in Education
Observing Schools and Classrooms
Oral History Approaches in Education in Brazil
Pacific Research Methodologies
Pacific Research Methodologies and Relational Ethics
Participatory Action Research in Education
Performance-Based Ethnography
Photography and the Ethnographic Method
Poetic Approaches to Qualitative Data Analysis
Post-Intentional Phenomenology and Studies of Social Change in Teaching
Postcritical Ethnography
Poststructural Temporalities in School Ethnography
Power, Positionality, and Ethnography
Practice-Focused Research in Initial Teacher Education
Qualitative Approaches to Studying Marginalized Communities
Qualitative Data Analysis
Qualitative Data Analysis and the Use of Theory
Qualitative Design Research Methods
Qualitative Methodological Considerations for Studying Undocumented Students in the United States
Qualitative Methodologies and the Life Course in Brazil
Qualitative Methods and the Study of Identity and Education
Qualitative Methods for Gender and Education Research in Brazil
Qualitative Methods, Critical Geography, and Education
Qualitative Research Approaches to Educational Inequality in Latin America
Qualitative Research at the Policy Table
Qualitative Research in Indigenous Education in Mexico
Qualitative Research in the Field of Popular Education
Qualitative Research Methods and Students with Severe Disabilities
Qualitative Research on Educational Technology in Latin America
Reflexive Qualitative Research
Relational Materialism
Research Feedback As a Strategy for Educational Transformation
Risky Truth-Making in Qualitative Inquiry
School Ethnography
School Ethnography in Chile
Science Education in Classrooms and Qualitative Research in Latin America
Social Cartography in Educational Research
Sociocultural Perspectives in Science Education
Sonic Ethnography in Theory and Practice
Teacher Participation and Pedagogical Research in the Educational Sphere
Understanding Relational and Responsible Leadership for School Leaders
Use of Qualitative Methods in Evaluation Studies
Uses of Qualitative Research Methods in School Counseling, The
Visual and Screen-Based Research Methodologies
Vygotsky's Theoretical and Conceptual Contributions to Qualitative Research in Education
Writing and Managing Multimodal Field Notes
Writing Educational Ethnography
Writing Qualitative Dissertations
ISBN : 9780190643751