「多くの国民の父」を意味する名が与えられ、人類救済の出発点として神に祝福され、聖約を交わした最初の預言者アブラハムの伝統を受け継ぐことから「アブラハムの宗教」と呼ばれるユダヤ教、キリスト教、イスラム教。唯一神を拠り所とするこの三宗教は、共通の起源以上に相互に連関しあい、それぞれの発展には体制上の革新を求めた宗教改革や伝統的実践の復興を目指した宗教運動の影響、国との関係を含む政治の力、そして近代化も大きく係わっています。アブラハムと子孫たちの物語に触れながら、3000年にわたるその宗教的伝統に迫ります。(cf. Judaism, #011; Christianity, #119; Islam, #007)
In the book of Genesis, God bestows a new name upon Abram—Abraham, a father of many nations. With this name and his Covenant, Abraham would become the patriarch of three of the world's major religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Connected by their mutual—if differentiated—veneration of the One God proclaimed by Abraham, these traditions share much beyond their origins in the ancient Israel of the Old Testament. This Very Short Introduction explores the intertwined histories of these monotheistic religions, from the emergence of Christianity and Islam to the violence of the Crusades and the cultural exchanges of al-Andalus.
Each religion continues to be shaped by this history but has also reacted to the forces of modernity and politics. Movements such as the Reformation and that led by seventh-century Kharijites have emerged, intentioned to reform or restore traditional religious practice but quite different in their goals and effects. Relationships with states, among them Israel and Saudi Arabia, have also figured importantly in their development. The Abrahamic Religions: A Very Short Introduction brings these traditions together into a common narrative, lending much needed context to the story of Abraham and his descendants.
List of illustrations
1. The Jewish matrix (1200 BCE-70CE)
2. Jews, gentiles, and Christians (200 BCE-200 CE)
3. Constructing Judaism and Christianity (70 CE-1054 CE)
4. Islam: religion, politics, and the state (600-1258)
5. Medieval interactions (700-1500)
6. Reform and Enlightenment (1500-1900)
7. Modern encounters (1900-2010)
Epilogue: Abrahamic Identities
Further Reading
ISBN : 9780190654344