
Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#114]
Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#114]

科学技術の発達は、中絶や安楽死など、従来は存在しなかった倫理的な問題を生じさせるようになりました。私たちの誰もが当事者として判断を迫られる可能性のある医療倫理の諸問題を取り上げ、その考え方を整理します。メディアでの議論や政策、推進派と圧力団体、最近の判例にも言及しながら、医療倫理を取り巻く現状に広く目配りします。倫理的根拠を明確にしていくプロセスとそのためのツール、増加する臨床現場での倫理コンサルテーションなども紹介しています。(cf. Medical Law, #345)

  • Covers a wide range of the contemporary issues in medical ethics
  • Explains the 'tools' of ethical reasoning
  • Discusses the social uses and abuses of medical ethics worldwide
  • Shows how medical ethics supports health professionals in their decision-making
  • Considers the impact of pressure groups, activism, and the media on the ethical issues at the heart of medicine

The issue of medical ethics, from thorny moral questions such as euthanasia and the morality of killing to political questions such as the fair distribution of health care resources, is rarely out of today's media. This area of ethics covers a wide range of issues, from mental health to reproductive medicine, as well as including management issues such as resource allocation, and has proven to hold enduring interest for the general public as well as the medical practitioner. This Very Short Introduction provides an invaluable tool with which to think about the ethical values that lie at the heart of medicine. 

This new edition explores the ethical reasoning we can use to approach medical ethics, introducing the most important 'tools' of ethical reasoning, and discussing how argument, thought experiments, and intuition can be combined in the consideration of medical ethics. Considering its practical application, Tony Hope and Michael Dunn explore how medical ethics supports health professionals through the growing use of ethics expertise in clinical settings. They also contemplate the increasingly important place of medical ethics in the wider social context, particularly in this age of globalization, not only in healthcare practice, but also policy, discussions in the media, pressure group and activism settings, and in legal judgments.


1: On why medical ethics is exciting
2: Assisted dying: good medical practice, or murder?
3: A toolbox of reasoning
4: People who don't exist; at least not yet
5: Inconsistencies about madness
6: Ethics helps the helper
7: Establishing fair procedure
8: How modern genetics is testing traditional confidentiality
9: Culture and consent
Further reading


Michael Dunn, Lecturer in Health and Social Care Ethics, The Ethox Centre, University of Oxford, and Tony Hope, Emeritus Professor of Medical Ethics, University of Oxford
Tony Hope recently retired as Professor of Medical Ethics at the University of Oxford. He developed the teaching in medical ethics at the University of Oxford and founded the Ethox Centre, a world-class centre in medical ethics research within the medical faculty at Oxford. He is also Emeritus Fellow at St Cross College, Oxford. In addition to over 200 research papers he has co-authored a number of books including a general textbook of medicine, a self-help psychology book, and several books in medical ethics and law.
Michael Dunn is a lecturer at the Ethox Centre, University of Oxford, where he also acts as the Director of Undergraduate Medical Ethics and Law Education within the Clinical School. He is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Medical Ethics, an Editorial Board member for Ethics and Social Welfare, and a member of both research ethics committees and clinical ethics committees across the UK. Michael has published two co-edited books in addition to being the author of over 50 peer-reviewed papers and chapters in the fields of bioethics, medical, social welfare and family law, and health/social services research.


ISBN : 9780198815600

Tony Hope; Michael Dunn
160 ページ
111 x 174 mm
Very Short Introductions





Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#114]

Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#114]

Medical Ethics: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#114]