私たちは本当に自らの意思のみで何かを決めることができるのでしょうか。そうせざるをえない要因に導かれて行動を起こしているだけで、違う選択もできたと思うのは錯覚ではないでしょうか。もし自由な意思など存在しないとするなら、自らの行動の道徳的責任を負わされるのは間違っているのではないか? 自由意思は西洋哲学の最も重要な問題のひとつです。ギリシア哲学や中世の哲学者の思想にも目を向けながら、この根底をなす哲学的な大きな問題を、さまざまな角度から切り込み、検証します。
Every day we seem to make and act upon all kinds of free choices - some of them trivial, and some so consequential that they may change the course of our life, or even the course of history. But are these choices really free? Or are we compelled to act the way we do by factors beyond our control? Is the feeling that we could have made different decisions just an illusion? And if our choices are not free, why should we be held morally responsible for our actions?
This Very Short Introduction, written by a leading authority on the subject, looks at a range of issues surrounding this fundamental philosophical question, exploring it from the ideas of the Greek and medieval philosophers through to the thoughts of present-day thinkers. It provides a interesting and incisive introduction to this perennially fascinating subject.
1: The free will problem
2: Freedom as free will
3: Compatibilism and reason
4: Compatibilism and nature
5: Morality without freedom?
6: Libertarianism and scepticism
7: Self-determination and the will
8: Freedom and its place in nature
Free Will
Do we really make our own decisions? Or are we compelled to act by factors beyond our control? And if our choices are not free, why should we be held morally responsible for them. Thomas Pink's Very Short Introduction to free will is an accessible and stimulating investigation of one of the most important and enduring problems of Western philosophy. It looks at a range of issues surrounding this fundamental philosophical question, exploring it from the ideas of the Greek and medieval philosophers through to the thoughts of present-day thinkers.
ISBN : 9780192853585