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Honore de Balzac
Honore de Balzac
  • The My Reading series offers personal models of what it is like to care about particular authors and works, and to show their effect upon a reader's own thinking and development
  • An unrestrained account of what it is like to read The Human Comedy
  • Makes Balzac accessible to the general reader
  • Written by a well-known and award-winning critic

A book on the experience of reading Honoré de Balzac's La Comédie humaine which recounts the process of Peter Brooks's own discovery of Balzac.
A personal account of coming to terms with Balzac: moving from more classical and restrained authors to the highly-coloured melodramatic novels of the Human Comedy, which give us the dynamics of a new and challenging world on the threshold of modernity. This volume shows readers how to read, and to love reading, Balzac, and how to engage with his vast work.


1:Balzac: Reading for More
2:Fangs and Kisses
3:Making Books, Devouring Presses
4:The Shape of Time
5:To Say Everything

About the author: 

Peter Brooks, Sterling Professor of Comparative Literature Emeritus, Yale University
Peter Brooks has taught mainly at Yale University, where he is Sterling Professor of Comparative Literature Emeritus; he has held positions also at the University of Virginia, Princeton University, the universities of Oxford, Bologna, and Copenhagen.

Product details

ISBN : 9780192846709

Peter Brooks
160 Pages
142 x 223 mm
Pub date
Aug 2022
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Honore de Balzac

Honore de Balzac

Honore de Balzac