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Algebra: A Very Short Introduction [#447]
Algebra: A Very Short Introduction [#447]

Algebra: A Very Short Introduction [#447]

Peter M. Higgins
  • Explains algebra clearly through theory and example
  • Renews the reader's acquaintance with school mathematics before taking them progressively further
  • Elucidates the laws governing algebra in order to reveal the elegance and power of equations and inequalities
  • Provides an accessible account of algebra for the general reader

Algebra marked the beginning of modern mathematics, moving it beyond arithmetic, which involves calculations featuring given numbers, to problems where some quantities are unknown. Now, it stands as a pillar of mathematics, underpinning the quantitative sciences, both social and physical.
This Very Short Introduction explains algebra from scratch. Over the course of ten logical chapters, Higgins offers a step by step approach for readers keen on developing their understanding of algebra. Using theory and example, he renews the reader's aquaintance with school mathematics, before taking them progressively further and deeper into the subject.


1: Numbers and algebra
2: The laws of algebra
3: Linear equations and inequalities
4: Quadratic equations
5: The algebra of polynomials
6: Introduction to matrices
7: Matrices and groups
8: Determinants and matrices
9: Algebra and the arithmetic of remainders
10: Vector spaces
Further Reading

About the author: 

Peter M. Higgins, Professor in Pure Mathematics at the University of Essex
Peter M. Higgins is a Professor in Pure Mathematics at the University of Essex. He is the inventor of the Circular Sudoku puzzle type that now features in numerous newspapers, magazines and computer games. He has written extensively on the subject of mathematics, including Numbers: A Very Short Introduction (OUP, 2011) and Nets, Puzzles, and Postmen (OUP, 2007), which won the 2012 Premio Peano prize for the best book on mathematics, published in Italian.

Product details

ISBN : 9780198732822

Peter M. Higgins
160 Pages
111 x 174 mm
Pub date
Oct 2015
Very Short Introductions
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Algebra: A Very Short Introduction [#447]

Algebra: A Very Short Introduction [#447]

Algebra: A Very Short Introduction [#447]