'by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow yee of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs'
To many readers, who have perhaps known Frankenstein only at second hand, the original may well come as a surprise. When Maary Shelley began it, she was only 18, though she was already Shelley's mistress and Byron's friend. In her preface she eplains how she and Shelley spent part of a wet summer with Byron in Switzerland, amusing themselves by reading and writing ghost stories. Her contribution was Frankenstein, a story about a student of natural philsophy who learns the secret of imparting life to a creature constrcted from bones he has olleted in charnelhouses. The story is not a study of the macabre, as such, but rather a study of how man uses his power, through science, to manipulate and pervert his own destiny, and this makes it a profoundly disturbing book.
ISBN : 9780199537167