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Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics (3rd edition)
Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics (3rd edition)

Arthur M. Lesk
  • Protein science is presented in the context of bioinformatics and genomics by a leading author in the field
  • Students are encouraged to develop their problem solving skills through provision of problems, exercises, and web-based problems
  • Suitable for students from a range of backgrounds, as little prior knowledge of the subject area is assumed

New to this Edition:

  • The artwork has been refreshed throughout, with new online rotating structures more clearly depicting complex three dimensional structures
  • Increased coverage of areas at the forefront of research, such as the regulation of protein activity and molecular dynamics
  • Further emphasis on the applied aspects of protein science to enable students to see why protein science is such a hot topic in research
  • Web-based problems are now online for quicker access to web links

 Over the last century, the centrality of proteins to life on earth has become increasingly clear - from forming enzymes acting as catalysts for specific reactions, to crucial molecules such as antibodies in the immune system, and as signalling molecules between cells. In fact, the more they are studied, the more proteins continue to reveal new and exciting functions. Indeed, by studying amino acid sequences and protein structures it is even possible to unravel some of the mysteries of evolution itself.

Introduction to Protein Science, 3rd edition provides a rich and broad introduction to this fascinating field by covering not only the structure and function of proteins, but also the methods and experimental techniques used to study them. The practical applications of our knowledge to diverse fields such as biotechnology and medicine are emphasized throughout, to help students appreciate the relevance of the subject to the real world. Active learning is encouraged by the provision of frequent exercises and problems, with further 'weblems' - web-based problems - on the Online Resource Centre.

Online Resource Centre
The Online Resource Centre to accompany Introduction to Protein Science features:

For students:
·Answers to end-of-chapter exercises, and hints to end-of-chapter problems, so students can check their understanding.
·Rotating structures from the book to help students visualize proteins in 3D.
·Web-based problems for students to complete online.

For adopting lecturers:
·Figures from the book in electronic format, ready to download


1: Introduction
2: Protein structure
3: Protein structure determination
4: Bioinformatics of protein sequence and structure
5: Proteins as catalysts: enzyme structure, kinetics, and mechanism
6: Proteins with partners
7: Evolution of protein structure and function
8: Protein folding and design
9: Proteomics and systems biology

About the author: 

Arthur M. Lesk is Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at The Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of the highly successful Introduction to Bioinformatics, and Introduction to Genomics, both published by Oxford University Press.

Product details

ISBN : 9780198716846

Arthur M. Lesk
488 Pages
195 x 265 mm
Pub date
Jan 2016
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Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics (3rd edition)

Introduction to Protein Science: Architecture, Function, and Genomics (3rd edition)