The Mind's Machine, introduced in 2012, was written to impart the core concepts of behavioral neuroscience to students in a diverse range of disciplines, including not only psychology and the other life sciences, but art, philosophy, media studies, linguistics, and the like. Through the use of streamlined text, full-color art, novel pedagogical features, and real-life examples and analogies, the book succeeded in engaging students new to neuroscience without sacrificing accuracy.
Put to the test by faculty and students, The Mind's Machine proved itself to be accessible and reader-friendly—not to mention affordably priced—and the Second Edition is no less so.
If you are teaching a brain and behavior, biopsychology, or physiological psychology course, you will want to consider this book!
1: An Introduction to Brain and Behavior
2: Cells and Structures: The Anatomy of the Nervous System
3: Neurophysiology: The Generation, Transmission, and Integration of Neural Signals
4: The Sensorimotor System
5: Hearing, Balance, Taste, and Smell
6: Vision: From Eye to Brain
7: Hormones and Sex
8: Homeostasis: Active Regulation of the Internal Environment
9: Biological Rhythms and Sleep
10: Emotions, Aggression, and Stress
11: Psychopathology: The Biology of Behavioral Disorders
12: Memory, Learning, and Development
13: Attention and Consciousness
14: Language and Our Divided Brain
ISBN : 9781605357393