ダンテ・アリギエーリ(1265-1321年)の作品に共通するテーマやトピックを取り上げ、その自伝や神の理解、宇宙の原理にも言及します。ダンテはなぜこれほどまでにイタリア内外の読者、また作家から引用されるに至ったのか。その作品の特徴である、アイデアの交錯や、詩的で豊かな想像力についても考察します。大作『神曲』の理解の一助にもなる、主なエピソードの解説など、これからダンテの世界に踏み込もうとする読者にうってつけの入門書です。(cf. The Divine Comedy (Oxford World's Classics); Vita Nuova (Oxford World's Classics))
In this Very Short Introduction, Peter Hainsworth and David Robey take a different approach to Dante, by examining the main themes and issues that run through all of his work, ranging from autobiography, to understanding God and the order of the universe. In doing so, they highlight what has made Dante a vital point of reference for modern writers and readers, both inside and outside Italy. They emphasize the distinctive and dynamic interplay in Dante's writing between argument, ideas, and analysis on the one hand, and poetic imagination on the other.
Dante was highly concerned with the political and intellectual issues of his time, demonstrated most powerfully in his notorious work, The Divine Comedy. Tracing the tension between the medieval and modern aspects, Hainsworth and Robey provide a clear insight into the meaning of this masterpiece of world literature. They highlight key figures and episodes in the poem, bringing out the originality and power of Dante's writing to help readers understand the problems that Dante wanted his audience to confront but often left up to the reader to resolve.
1: Introduction
2: Autobiography
3: Truth
4: Writing
5: Humanity
6: Politics
7: God
Further reading
"The authors are much to be praised for not allowing the brevity of their volume to undermine or unjustly foreclose what Dante's text leaves to his reader'a judgement and sensibilities." - Fortean Times, Heather Webb
"Swift-moving, decisive, sensitive and suggestive" - The Manchester Review
"The authors are much to be praised for not allowing the brevity of their volume to overdetermine or unjustly foreclose what Dante's text leaves to his reader's judgement and sensibilties." - Heather Webb, The Times Literary Supplement
"There is something almost uncanny about how this book makes the work of a long-dead poet from another culture come alive... this book imparts knowledge as well as encouraging us to find it ourselves." - Guardian, Nicholas Lezard
"this work deftly explores aspects of Dante that were variously enlightened" - Independent, Christopher Hirst
ISBN : 9780199684779