私たち誰もが持つ道義心とは、いったいどこから生まれ、どれほど信頼のおけるものなのでしょうか。西洋におけるこれまでの善悪の判断は、道義心によるところが大きかったといえます。本書では、古典的ディズニー作品である『ピノキオ』の物語にはじまり、アブグレイブ刑務所事件などの現代的な問題、またニーチェやフロイト、アクィナスなどの思想を取り上げながら、道義心の歴史的なルーツをたどります。今ほど道義心を必要とする時代はないことに気付かされる一冊です。(cf. Nietzsche, #034; Freud, #045; Thomas Aquinas, #214)
Where does our conscience come from? How reliable is it?
In the West conscience has been relied upon for two thousand years as a judgement that distinguishes right from wrong. It has effortlessly moved through every period division and timeline between the ancient, medieval, and modern. The Romans identified it, the early Christians appropriated it, and Reformation Protestants and loyal Catholics relied upon its advice and admonition. Today it is embraced with equal conviction by non-religious and religious alike.
Considering its deep historical roots and exploring what it has meant to successive generations, Paul Strohm highlights why this particularly European concept deserves its reputation as 'one of the prouder Western contributions to human rights and human dignity throughout the world.'
Using examples from popular culture including the Disney classic Pinocchio, as well as examples from contemporary politics, he explores the work of thinkers such as Nietzsche, Freud, and Aquinas, to show how and why conscience remains a motivating and important principle in the contemporary world.
1: Encountering conscience
2: Christian conscience
3: The secularization of conscience
4: Three critics of conscience: Dostoevsky, Nietzsche, Freud
5: Is conscience a civil right?
6: The prospects for conscience
ISBN : 9780199569694