波乱に満ちたフョードル・ドストエフスキー(1821-1881年)の生涯と、その業績を概説します。政治犯として投獄され、処刑を間一髪で免れたこと、シベリアへの亡命、ギャンブル中毒、ロマンチックな結婚、そして文学的成功。『地下室の記録』『罪と罰』『白痴』『悪霊』『カラマーゾフの兄弟』『作家の日記』など主な作品に触れるほか、各章で重要なテーマを分析し、人間の本質や社会に対する作家の深い洞察を紹介します。「自由」「道徳」「意味」を扱うその作品が、いかに普遍的な問いを投げかけていて、複雑な世界でその意義を保ち続けているかを明らかにします。(cf: Notes from the Underground / Crime and Punishment / The Idiot / Devils / The Karamazov Brothers (Oxford World's Classics))
Fyodor Dostoevsky became the writer best known for his treatment of the big questions of ethics, religion, and philosophy.
In this Very Short Introduction, Deborah Martinsen explores Dostoevsky's tumultuous life story: his political imprisonment and narrow escape from execution, his Siberian exile, his gambling addiction, his romantic marriage, and his literary success. Martinsen also delves into his major works - Notes from Underground, Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, Demons, The Brothers Karamazov, The Diary of a Writer, and more. Each chapter analyzes a key theme or aspect of Dostoevsky's writing that showcases his profound insights into human nature and society: doubling, freedom, shame, social justice, scandal, aesthetics, ethics, faith, and the eternal questions. Martinsen also demonstrates how Dostoevsky's novels remain relevant today as they address pressing questions about freedom, morality, and meaning in a complex world.
List of illustrations
Note on translation, citation, dates
1:Dostoevsky's dramatic life and writing: Notes from the Dead House and The Diary of a Writer
2:Duality and doubles: The Double
3:Freedom and polyphony: Notes from Underground
4:Space, social justice, and scandal: Crime and Punishment
5:Aesthetics and ethics: The Idiot and Demons
6:Eternal questions: The Brothers Karamazov
Further reading
ISBN : 9780198864332