薬と人のかかわりは深く、私たちの生活と切り離せないものになっています。20世紀には伝染病、心臓疾患、癌、そして精神疾患の新しい治療薬が導入され、経口避妊薬は人々の生のあり方さえ変えてきました。本書は、摂取した薬物がどのようにして体内で作用するのかについて、一般的な言葉で詳しく説明するほか、アルコール、ニコチン、カフェインなどの合法な薬物から違法薬物まで、またなぜその一部は他より依存性が高いのかも解説します。(cf. Drugs and Drug Policy: What Everyone Needs to Know)
The twentieth century saw a remarkable upsurge of research on drugs, with major advances in the treatment of bacterial and viral infections, heart disease, stomach ulcers, cancer, and mental illnesses. These, along with the introduction of the oral contraceptive, have altered all of our lives. There has also been an increase in the recreational use and abuse of drugs in the Western world.
This Very Short Introduction, in its second edition, gives a non-technical account of how drugs work in the body. Reviewing both legal (alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine) and illegal drugs, Les Iversen discusses why some are addictive, and whether drug laws need reform.
List of illustrations
1: History
2: How drugs work
3: Drugs as medicines
4: Recreational drugs
5: Making new medicines
6: What can we expect in the 21st Century?
Further reading
ISBN : 9780198745792