1917年、二月革命でロマノフ王朝による帝政が崩壊し、次いで労働者や兵士らによる武装蜂起(十月革命)を経て、史上初の社会主義政権が樹立されました。本書は、この革命により、さまざまな階級や異なる民族や軍など、社会全体に与えられた影響の大きさを検証するとともに、ロシア・ソビエト連邦の国家的発展の経緯を分析します。(cf. Communism, #209)
This Very Short Introduction provides an analytical narrative of the main events and developments in Soviet Russia between 1917 and 1936. It examines the impact of the revolution on society as a whole—on different classes, ethnic groups, the army, men and women, youth. Its central concern is to understand how one structure of domination was replaced by another. The book registers the primacy of politics, but situates political developments firmly in the context of massive economic, social, and cultural change. Since the fall of Communism there has been much reflection on the significance of the Russian Revolution. The book rejects the currently influential, liberal interpretation of the revolution in favour of one that sees it as rooted in the contradictions of a backward society which sought modernization and enlightenment and ended in political tyranny.
1: The February Revolution and Provisional Government
2: Social Polarization and the Crisis of Power
3: Politics in the Civil War
4: Society and Economy in the Civil War
5: NEP: Economy and Politics
6: NEP: Culture and Society
ISBN : 9780192853950