「サディズム」という言葉の由来となったマルキ・ド・サド(1740-1814年)。暴力的なポルノグラフィーを含むその作風は、伝説的とも超人的とも評されています。本書はサドの人生と作品を見つめながら、道徳、宗教、法律など、何ものにもとらわれない自由思想に基づくその性的倒錯を哲学的な見地から解き明かしていきます。(cf. Justine, or the Misfortunes of Virtue (Oxford World's Classics) ほか)
Were it not for the Marquis de Sade's explicit use of language and complete disregard for the artificially constructed taboos of a religious morality he despised, the novelty and profundity of his thought, and above all, its fundamental modernity, would have long since secured him a place alongside the greatest authors and thinkers of the European Enlightenment.
This Very Short Introduction aims to disentangle the 'real' Marquis de Sade from his mythical and demonic reputation of the past two hundred years. Phillips examines Sade's life and work: his libertine novels, his championing of atheism, and his uniqueness in bringing the body and sex back into philosophy.
1: Beyond the Myth: The real Marquis de Sade
2: Man of Letters
3: Martyr of Atheism
4: Sade and the French Revolution
5: Theatres of the Body
6: Apostle of Freedom
Further Reading
"A brisk and lively introductory book." - John Phillips, Times Literary Supplement
ISBN : 9780192804693