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---Epicurean philosophy
---Stoic philosophy
---Medieval Western philosophy
--Modern Western philosophy (19th-century, 20th-century)
---Modern Western & other noneastern philosophy
---Philosophy of the United States and Canada
---Philosophy of the British Isles
---Philosophy of Germany and Austria
---Philosophy of France
---Philosophy of Italy
---Philosophy of Spain and Portugal
---Philosophy of Russia
---Philosophy of Scandinavia & Finland
---Philosophy in other geographic areas
---Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology
---Public worship and other practices
---Religious experience, life, practice
---Religious ethics
---Leaders and organization
---Missions and religious education
---Sects and reform movements
--Philosophy & theory of religion
---Philosophy & theory of religion
---Concepts of God
---Existence, ways of knowing God, attributes of God
---Science & religion
---The Bible
---Old Testament (Tanakh)
---Historical books of Old Testament
---Poetic books of Old Testament
---Prophetic books of Old Testament
---New Testament
---Gospels & Acts
---Revelation (Apocalypse)
---Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, & intertestamental works
---Jesus Christ & his family
---Salvation & grace
---Spiritual beings
---Creeds, confessions of faith, covenants, & catechisms
---Apologetics & polemics
--Christian practice & observance
---Christian moral and devotional theology
---Christian ethics
---Devotional literature
---Evangelistic writings for individuals and families
---Use of art in Christianity
---Church furnishings & related articles
---Christian experience, practice, life
---Christian observances in family life
--Christian pastoral practice & religious orders
---Local Christian church and Christian religious orders
---Preaching (Homiletics)
---Texts of sermons
---Pastoral office and work (Pastoral theology)
---Parish administration
---Religious congregations & orders
---Pastoral care of families, of specific groups of people
--Christian organization, social work, & worship
---Christian social and ecclesiastical theology
---Social theology and interreligious relations and attitudes
---Days, times, places of religious observance
---Public worship
---Sacraments, other rites & acts
---Associations for religious work
---Religious education
---Spiritual renewal
--History of Christianity
---History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
---Religious congregations and orders in church history
---Persecutions in church history
---Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history
---Christianity in Europe
---Christianity in Asia
---Christianity in Africa
---Christianity in North America
---Christianity in South America
---Christianity in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antartica
--Christian denominations
---Denominations and sects of Christian church
---Early church & Eastern churches
---Roman Catholic Church
---Anglican churches
---Protestant denominations of Continental origin & related body
---Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in America, Congregational churches
---Baptist, Restoration Movement, Adventist churches
---Methodist churches; churches related to Methodism
---Other denominations & sects
--Other religions
---Other religions
---Classical religion (Greek & Roman religion)
---Germanic religion
---Religions of Indic origin
---Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)
---Islam, Bábism & Bahá'í Faith
---Religions not provided for elsewhere
-Limited Time Offer
---Philosophy & theory; international languages
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
---Special topics of language
---Serial publications
---Organizations & management
---Education, research, related topics
---Groups of people
---Geographic treatment & biography
---Writing systems of standard forms of languages
---Etymology of standard forms of languages
---Dictionaries of standard forms of languages
---Phonology & phonetics of standard forms of languages
---Grammar of standard forms of languages
---Dialectology & historical linguistics
---Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Sign languages
--English & Old English languages
---English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
---Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard English
---Etymology of standard English
---English Dictionaries
---Grammar of standard English
---Historical & geographical variations, modern nongeographic variations of English
---Standard English usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
--German & related languages
---German and related languages
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard German
---Etymology of standard German
---Dictionaries of standard German
---Grammar of standard German
---Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of German
---Standard German usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Other Germanic languages
--French & related languages
---French & related Romance languages
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard French
---Etymology of standard French
---Dictionaries of standard French
---Grammar of standard French
---Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of French
---Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Occitan Catalan, Franco-Provençal
--Italian, Romanian, & related languages
---Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Italian
---Etymology of standard Italian
---Dictionaries of standard Italian
---Grammar of standard Italian
---Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Italian
---Standard Italian usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
--Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
---Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Spanish
---Etymology of standard Spanish
---Dictionaries of standard Spanish
---Grammar of standard Spanish
---Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Spanish
---Standard Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
--Latin & Italic languages
---Latin & related Italic languages
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Latin
---Etymology of classical Latin
---Dictionaries of classical Latin
---Grammar of classical Latin
---Old, postclassical, Vulgar Latin
---Classical Latin usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Other Italic languages
--Classical & modern Greek languages
---Classical Greek & related Hellenic languages
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Greek
---Etymology of classical Greek
---Dictionaries of classical Greek
---Grammar of classical Greek
---Preclassical & postclassical Greek
---Classical Greek usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Other Hellenic languages
--Other languages
---Other languages
---East Indo-European & Celtic languages
---Afro-Asiatic languages
---Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
---Altic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages, miscellaneous languages of south Asia
---Languages of East & Southeast Asia
---African languages
---North American native languages
---South American native languages
---Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages, miscellaneous languages
-Social Sciences
--Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
---Social sciences
---Sociology & anthropology
---Social interaction
---Social processes
---Factors affecting social behavior
---Groups of people
---Culture & institutions
---Collections of general statistics
---General statistics of Europe
---General statistics of Asia
---General statistics of Africa
---General statistics of North America
---General statistics of South America
---General statistics of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antartics
--Political science
---Political science (Politics & government)
---Systems of governments & states
---Relation of state to organized groups & their members
---Civil & political rights
---The political process
---International migration & colonization
---Slavery & emancipation
---International relations
---The legislative process
---Labor economics
---Financial economics
---Economics of land & energy
---Socialism & related systems
---Public finance
---International economics
---Macroeconomics & related topics
---Law of nations
---Constitutional & administrative law
---Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax, commerce (trade), industrial law
---Labor, social service, education, cultural law
---Criminal law
---Private law
---Procedure & courts
---Laws, regulations, cases
---Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions, regional intergovernmental organizations
--Public administration & military science
---Public administration & military science
---Public administration
---General considerations of public administration
---Specific fields of public administration
---Public administration of economy & environment
---Military science
---Foot forces & warfare
---Mounted forces & warfare
---Air & other specialized forces & warfare; engineering & related services
---Sea forces & warfare
--Social problems & social services
---Social problems & services; associations
---Social problems & services
---Social problems of & services to groups of people
---Other social problems & services
---Penal & related institutions
---Secret associations & societies
---General clubs
---Schools & their activities; special education
---Primary education (elementary education)
---Secondary education
---Adult education
---Higher education (Tertiary education)
---Public policy issues in education
--Commerce, communications, & transportation
---Commerce, communications, transportation
---Commerce (Trade)
---International commerce (Foreign trade)
---Postal communication
---Railroad transportation
---Inland waterway & ferry transportation
---Water, air, space transportation
---Metrology & standardization
--Customs, etiquette, & folklore
---Customs, etiquette, folklore
---Costume & personal appearance
---Customs of life cycle & domestic life
---Death customs
---General customs
---Etiquette (Manners)
---Customs of war & diplomacy
---Natural sciences & mathematics
---Philosophy & theory
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
---Serial publications
---Organizations & management
---Education, research, related topics
---Natural history
---History, geographic treatment, biography
---General principles of mathematics
---Numerical analysis
---Probabilities & applied mathematics
--Astronomy & allied sciences
---Celestial mechanics
---Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
---Specific celestial bodies & phenomena
---Earth (Astronomical geography)
---Mathematical geography
---Celestial navigation
---Classical mechanics
---Fluid mechanics
---Pneumatics (Gas mechanics)
---Sound & related vibrations
---Light & related radiation
---Electricity & electronics
---Modern physics
---Chemistry Today Offer
---Chemistry & allied sciences
---Physical chemistry
---Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
---Analytical chemistry
---Inorganic chemistry
---Organic chemistry
--Earth sciences & geology
---Earth sciences
---Geology, hydrology, meteorology
---Economic geology
---Earth sciences of Europe
---Earth sciences of Asia
---Earth sciences of Africa
---Earth sciences of North America
---Earth sciences of South America
---Earth sciences of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
--Fossils & prehistoric life
---Paleobotany; fossil microorganisms
---Fossil invertebrates
---Miscellaneous fossil marine & seashore invertebrates
---Fossil Mollusca & Molluscoidea
---Fossil Arthropoda
---Fossil Chordata
---Fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
---Fossil Aves (birds)
---Fossil Mammalia
---Physiology & related subjects
---Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology & physiology in animals
---Specific parts of & physiological systems in plants
---Genetics and evolution
---Natural history of organisms & related subjects
---Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae
---Specific topics in natural history of plants
---Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers
---Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones)
---Liliopsida (Monocotyledones)
---Pinophyta (Gymnosperms)
---Cryptogamia (Seedless plants)
--Animals (Zoology)
---Specific topics in natural history of animals
---Miscellaneous marine & seashore invertebrates
---Mollusca & Molluscoidea
---Cold-blooded vertebrates
---Aves (Birds)
---Mammalia (Mammals)
---Technology (Applied sciences)
---Philosophy & theory
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
---Technical drawing, hazardous materials technology; groups of people
---Serial publications
---Education, research, related topics
---History, geographic treatment, biography
--Medicine & health
---Medicine & health
---Human anatomy, cytology, histology
---Human physiology
---Personal health & safety
---Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; public preventive medicine
---Pharmacology and therapeutics
---Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology
---Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics
---Engineering & Applied operations
---Applied physics
---Mining & related operations
---Military & nautical engineering
---Civil engineering
---Engineering of railroads, roads
---Hydraulic engineering
---Sanitary engineering
---Other branches of engineering
--Agriculture & related technologies
---Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials
---Plant injuries, diseases, pests
---Field & plantation crops
---Orchards, fruits, forestry
---Garden crops (Horticulture)
---Animal husbandry
---Processing dairy & related products
---Insect culture
---Hunting, fishing, conservation, related technologies
--Home & family management
---Home & family management
---Food & drink
---Meals & table service
---Housing & household equipment
---Household utilities
---Household furnishings
---Sewing, clothing, management of personal and family life
---Management of public households (Institutional housekeeping)
---Child rearing; home care of people with disabilities & illnesses
--Management & public relations
---Management & auxiliary services
---Office services
---Processes of written communication
---General management
---Advertising & public relations
--Chemical engineering
---Chemical engineering & related technologies
---Technology of industrial chemicals
---Technology of explosives, fuels, related products
---Beverage technology
---Food technology
---Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
---Ceramic & allied technologies
---Cleaning, color, coating, related technologies
---Technology of other organic products
---Metalworking processes & primary metal products
---Iron, steel, other iron alloys
---Nonferrous metals
---Lumber processing, wood products, cork
---Leather & fur processing
---Pulp & paper technology
---Elastomers & elastomer products
---Other products of specific kinds of materials
--Manufacture for specific uses
---Manufacture of products for specific uses
---Precision instruments & other devices
---Small forge work (Blacksmithing)
---Hardware & household appliances
---Furnishings & home workshops
---Leather & fur goods, & related products
---Printing & related activities
---Clothing & accessories
---Other final products, & packaging technology
---Construction of buildings
--Construction of buildings
---Building materials
---Auxiliary construction practices
---Construction in specific types of materials & for specific purposes
---Wood construction
---Roof covering
---Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning engineering
---Detail finishing
-Art and Design
---The Arts
---Philosophy & theory of fine & decorative arts
---Miscellany of fine & decorative arts
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of fine & decorative arts
---Special topics in fine & decorative arts
---Serial publications of fine & decorative arts
---Organizations & management of fine & decorative arts
---Education, research, related topics of fine & decorative arts
---Galleries, museums, private collections of fine & decorative arts
---History, geographic treatment, biography
--Area planning & landscape architecture
---Area planning & landscape architecture
---Area planning (Civic art)
---Landscape architecture (Landscape design)
---Landscape architecture of trafficways
---Water features in landscape architecture
---Woody plants in landscape architecture
---Herbaceous plants in landscape architecture
---Structures in landscape architecture
---Landscape design of cemeteries
---Natural landscapes
---Architectural materials & structural elements
---Architecture from earliest times to ca. 300
---Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
---Architecture from 1400
---Public structures
---Buildings for religious & related purposes
---Buildings for educational & research purposes
---Residential & related buildings
---Design & decoration of structures & accessories
--Sculpture, ceramics, & metalwork
---Sculpture & related arts
---Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture
---Sculpture from earliest times to ca. 500, sculpture of nonliterate peoples
---Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture
---Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399
---Sculpture from 1400
---Carving & carvings
---Numismatics & sigillography
---Ceramic arts
---Art metalwork
--Graphic arts & decorative arts
---Graphic arts
---Drawing & drawings
---Perspective in drawing
---Drawing & drawings by subject
---Decorative arts
---Textile arts
---Interior decoration
---Furniture & accessories
---Painting & paintings
---Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials, forms
---Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend
---Genre paintings
---Human figures
---Nature, architectural subjects & cityscapes, other specific subjects
---History, geographic treatment, biography
--Printmaking & prints
---Printmaking & prints
---Relief processes (Block printing)
---Lithographic processes (Planographic processes)
---Chromolithography & serigraphy
---Metal engraving
---Mezzotinting, aquatinting, & related processes
---Etching & drypoint
--Photography, computer art, film, video
---Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography
---Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
---Metallic salt processes
---Pigment processes of printing
---Computer art (Digital art)
---Cinematography & Videography
---Specific fields & special kinds of photography
---Photographic images
---General principles & musical forms
---Vocal music
---Music for single voices
---Instruments & Instrumental ensembles & their music
---Ensembles with only one instrument per part
---Keyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments
---Stringed instruments (Chordophones)
---Wind instruments (Aerophones)
--Sports, games & entertainment
---Recreational & performing arts
---Public performances
---Stage presentations
---Indoor games & amusements
---Indoor games of skill
---Games of chance
---Athletic & outdoor sports & games
---Aquatic & air sports
---Equestrian sports & animal racing
---Fishing, hunting, shooting
--Literature, rhetoric & criticism
---Literature (Belles-lettres) & rhetoric
---Philosophy & theory
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
---Serial publications
---Organizations & management
---Education, research, related topics
---Rhetoric & collections of literary texts from more than two literatures
---History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures
--American literature in English
---American literature in English
---American poetry in English
---American drama in English
---American fiction in English
---American essays in English
---American speeches in English
---American letters in English
---American humor & satire in English
---American miscellaneous writings in English
--English & Old English literatures
---English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
---English Poetry
---English drama
---English fiction
---English essays
---English speeches
---English letters
---English humor & satire
---English miscellaneous writings
---Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literature
--German & related literatures
---German literature & literatures of related languages
---German poetry
---German drama
---German fiction
---German essays
---German speeches
---German letters
---German humor & satire
---German miscellaneous writings
---Other Germanic literatures
--French & related literatures
---French literature & literatures of related Romance languages
---French poetry
---French drama
---French fiction
---French essays
---French speeches
---French letters
---French humor & satire
---French miscellaneous writings
---Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal literatures
--Italian, Romanian, & related literatures
---Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
---Italian poetry
---Italian drama
---Italian fiction
---Italian essays
---Italian speeches
---Italian letters
---Italian humor & satire
---Italian miscellaneous writings
---Literatures of Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
--Spanish, Portuguese, Galician literatures
---Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
---Spanish poetry
---Spanish drama
---Spanish fiction
---Spanish essays
---Spanish speeches
---Spanish letters
---Spanish humor & satire
---Spanish miscellaneous writings
---Literatures of Portuguese & Galician languages
--Latin & Italic literatures
---Latin literature & literatures of related Italic languages
---Latin poetry
---Latin dramatic poetry & drama
---Latin epic poetry & fiction
---Latin lyric poetry
---Latin speeches
---Latin letters
---Latin humor & satire
---Latin miscellaneous writings
---Literatures of other Italic languages
--Classical & modern Greek literatures
---Classical Greek literature & literatures of related Hellenic languages
---Classical Greek poetry
---Classical Greek drama
---Classical Greek epic poetry & fiction
---Classical Greek lyric poetry
---Classical Greek speeches
---Classical Greek letters
---Classical Greek humor & satire
---Classical Greek miscellaneous writings
---Modern Greek literature
---Other literatures
--Literatures of other specific languages and language families
---East Indo-European & Celtic literatures
---Afro-Asiatic literatures
---Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
---Literatures of Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages; literatures of miscellaneous languages of Southeast Asia
---Literatures of East & Southeast Asia
---African literatures
---Literatures of North American native languages
---Literatures of South American native languages
---Literatures of non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, of Austronesian languages, of miscellaneous languages
-History and Geography
---History, geography, & auxiliary disciplines
---Philosophy & theory of history
---Miscellany of history
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of history
---Collected accounts of events
---Serial publications of history
---Organizations & management of history
---Education, research, related topics of history
---History with respect to groups of people
---World history
--Geography & travel
---Geography & travel
---Historical geography
---Graphic representations of surface of earth and of extraterrestrial worlds
---Geography of & travel in ancient world
---Geography of & travel in Europe
---Geography of & travel in Asia
---Geography of & travel in Africa
---Geography of & travel in North America
---Geography of & travel in South America
---Geography of & travel in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, & on extraterrestrial worlds
--Biography & genealogy
---Biography, genealogy, insignia
---928 This range is reserved as an optional location for biographies, which are shelved alphabetically by subject's last name.
---Genealogy, names, insignia
--History of ancient world (to ca. 499)
---History of ancient world to ca. 499
---China to 420
---Egypt to 640
---Palestine to 70
---South Asia to 647
---Mesopotamia to 637 & Iranian Plateau to 637
---Europe north & west of Italian Peninsula to ca. 499
---Italian Peninsula to 476 & adjacent territories to 476
---Greece to 323
---Other parts of ancient world
--History of Europe
---History of Europe
---British Isles
---England & Wales
---Germany & neighboring central European countries
---France & Monaco
---Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
---Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
---Russia & neighboring east European countries
---Scandinavia & Finland
---Other parts of Europe
--History of Asia
---History of Asia
---China & adjacent areas
---Arabian Peninsula & adjacent areas
---India & neighboring south Asian countries;
---Middle East (Near East)
---Siberia (Asiatic Russia)
---Central Asia
---Southeast Asia
--History of Africa
---History of Africa
---Tunisia & Libya
---Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan
---Ethiopia & Eritrea
---Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla Western Sahara, Canary Islands
---West Africa & offshore islands
---Central Africa & offshore islands
---Republic of South Africa & neighboring southern African countries
---South Indian Ocean islands
--History of North America
---History of North America
---Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermuda
---United States
---Northeastern United States (New England & Middle Atlantic states)
---Southeastern United States (South Atlantic states)
---South central United States
---North central United States
---Western United States
---Great Basin & Pacific Slope region of United States
--History of South America
---History of South America
---Colombia & Ecuador
---Paraguay & Uruguay
--History of other areas
---History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
---New Zealand
---New Guinea & neighboring countries of Melanesia
---Polynesia & other Pacific Ocean islands
---Atlantic Ocean islands
---Arctic islands & Antarctica
---Extraterrestrial worlds
English Language Teaching
-Everybody Up: 2nd Edition Special Teacher Resource Pack
-Graded Readers
--Classic Tales
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
--Graded Readers Library Sets
---Bookworms Library
---Dolphin Readers
---Oxford Bookworms Library Set
----All Levels
----Level 1
----Level 6
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---Read and Discover
--Oxford Bookworms Library
---Oxford Bookworms Collection
---Oxford Bookworms Library
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----Level 6
----Library Set
---Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
---Oxford Bookworms Library Set
----All Levels
----Level 1
----Level 6
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---Oxford Bookworms Library: Playscripts
----Level 1
----Level 2
--Oxford Read and Discover
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
---Level 6
---Library Set
--Oxford Read and Imagine
---Early Starter
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
---Level 6
-Oxford English for Work
-Learner's Dictionaries
--Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
--Oxford American Dictionaries
--Oxford Learner's Pocket Series
--Oxford Picture Dictionary
--Business Result
--Effective Academic Writing
--Express Series
-Professional Development
--Applied Linguistics
--Into the Classroom
--Oxford Handbooks for Language Teachers
--Oxford Introductions to Language Study
--Oxford Key Concepts for the Language Classroom
--Oxford Basics
--Oxford Basics for Children
--Primary Resource Books for Teachers
--Resource Books for Teachers
-Reading Stars
--All Levels Pack
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Classroom Presentation Tools
--American English File
---2nd Edition
---3rd Edition
--American Headway
--English File
--Everybody Up
--Get Ahead
--Let's Go 4th edition
--Oxford Phonics World
--Oxford Skills World
--Show and Tell
--Smart Choice
--Speak Now
--Inside Series
---Inside Listening and Speaking
---Inside Reading
---Inside Writing
--Trio Listening and Speaking
-Teacher Materials for Coursebooks
--Young Learners
---Let's Go: 4th Edition
----Let's Begin
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----Level 6
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----Level 6
---Everybody Up: 2nd Edition
----Classroom Presentation Tool Access Code
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----Level 6
---Learn English With Dora The Explorer
----All Levels
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
---Let's Go: 5th Edition
----Let's Begin 1
----Let's Begin 2
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----Level 6
---Oxford Discover: 2nd Edition
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----Level 6
---Oxford Phonics World
----Classroom Presentation Tool Access Code
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---Oxford Skills World
----Classroom Presentation Tools
---Shine On! Plus
----All Levels
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----Level 6
---Show and Tell: 2nd Edition
----All Levels
----Classroom Presentation Tools
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
---Oxford Discover
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----Level 6
--Jr/Sr High Schools
---My First Passport: 2nd Edition
----Level 1
----Level 2
---Get Ahead
----Classroom Presentation Tool Access Code
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
--Testing / Exams
---Oxford Placement Test
--Jr/Sr High Schools / CU / Adult
---Passport: 2nd Edition
----Level 1
----Level 2
---American English File: 3rd Edition
----Classroom Presentation Tool Access Code
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---English File: 4th Edition
----Intermediate Plus
----Upper Intermediate
----Advanced Plus
---Headway: 5th Edition
----Upper Intermediate
---Smart Choice 4th Edition
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---Speak Now
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 1
----Level 4
----Level 2
----Level 3
---American Headway: 3rd Edition
----Classroom Presentation Tool Access Code
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---Select Readings: 2nd Edition
---Q: Skills for Success: 2nd Edition - Listening and Speaking
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
----All levels
---Effective Academic Writing 2nd Edition
---Inside Reading
---Inside Writing
---Q: Skills for Success: 2nd Edition - Reading and Writing
----All levels
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---Q: Skills for Success: 3rd Edition - Listening and Speaking
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---Q: Skills for Success: 3rd Edition - Reading and Writing
----Level 1
----Level 2
----Level 3
----Level 4
----Level 5
---Trio Listening and Speaking
----Classroom Presentation Tools
--Business / ESP
---Business Result 2nd Edition
---Business Venture: 3rd Edition
----Level 1
----Level 2
---Express Series
--Oxford English Grammar Course
--Practical English Usage
Young Learners
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
-Dictionaries & Reference
-Dolphin Readers
-Everybody Up 2nd Edition
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
-Everybody Up 3rd Edition
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
-Learn English With Dora The Explorer
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Let's Go
--Let's Begin 1
--Let's Begin 2
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
-Oxford Discover
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
-Oxford International Resources
-Oxford Phonics World
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
-Oxford Reading Tree
--ORT Audio Stickers
--Big Books
--Core Stories
---Stage 1
---Stage 1+
---Stage 2
---Stage 3
---Stage 4
---Stage 5
---Stage 6
---Stage 7
---Stage 8
---Stage 9
--Word Sparks
--Decode and Develop Stories
--Explore with Biff, Chip and Kipper
--Songbirds Phonics
--Story Sparks
--ORT Japan Special Packs
--Teacher Support Materials
--Traditional Tales
---Myths and Legends
---Graphic novels
---Time Chronicles
--Floppy's Phonics
---Decoding Practice
---Sounds and Letters
--Core Stories with CD
---Stage 1
---Stage 1+
---Stage 2
---Stage 3
---Stage 4
---Stage 5
---Stage 6
---Stage 7
---Stage 8
---Stage 9
---Special Packs
--Limited Time Offer
-Oxford Skills World
--Listening with Speaking
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
---Level 6
--Reading with Writing
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
---Level 6
-Reading Stars
--All Levels
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Shine On! Plus
--All Levels
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
-Show and Tell
--All Levels
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Toy Team
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Oxford Read and Discover
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
--Library Set
-Oxford Read and Imagine
--Early Starter
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
-Oxford Reading Club
-Dictionaries & Reference
--Oxford Illustrated Content Dictionaries
--Quick Starter
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--All Levels
--Library Set
-Get Ahead
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-My First Passport
--Level 1
--Level 2
-Oxford International Resources
-Smart Choice
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
-Stretch 1st Edition
--All Levels
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Stretch 2nd Edition
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Oxford Bookworms Library
--Oxford Bookworms Collection
--Oxford Bookworms Library
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
---Level 6
---Library Set
--Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
--Oxford Bookworms Library Set
---All Levels
---Level 1
---Level 6
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
--Oxford Bookworms Library: Playscripts
---Level 1
---Level 2
-Oxford Read and Discover
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
--Library Set
-Oxford Read and Imagine
--Early Starter
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
--Level 6
-Oxford Reading Club
-Q: Skills for Success
--Listening and Speaking
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
--Reading and Writing
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
-Resources for IB
--MYP (Middle Years Programme)
-American English File
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
-American Headway
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
-Business Result
-Business Venture
--Level 1
--Level 2
-Dictionaries & Reference
-Effective Academic Writing
-English File
--Intermediate Plus
--Advanced Plus
-Express Series
-International Express
--Level 1
--Level 4
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Smart Choice
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
--Level 5
-Speak Now
--All Levels
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Level 4
-Stretch 1st Edition
--All Levels
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
-Stretch 2nd Edition
--Level 1
--Level 2
--Level 3
--Tactics for the TOEIC Test®
---Listening & Reading
---Speaking & Writing
-Trio Listening and Speaking
-Oxford Bookworms Library
--Oxford Bookworms Collection
--Oxford Bookworms Library
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
---Level 6
---Library Set
--Oxford Bookworms Library Factfiles
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
--Oxford Bookworms Library Set
---All Levels
---Level 1
---Level 6
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
--Oxford Bookworms Library: Playscripts
---Level 1
---Level 2
-Oxford Reading Club
-Q: Skills for Success
--Listening and Speaking
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
--Reading and Writing
---Level 1
---Level 2
---Level 3
---Level 4
---Level 5
-Inside Series
--Inside Listening and Speaking
--Inside Reading
--Inside Writing
General Interest
-Computer Science
--Computer science, knowledge & systems
---Computer science, information & general works
---The book
---Computer science
---Computer programming, programs & data
---Special computer methods
---Bibliographies and catalogs
---Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals
---Bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous & pseudonymous works
---Bibliographies and catalogs of works from specific places
---Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific subjects
---General biographies and catalogs of works held in specific collections or offered for sale
--Library & information sciences
---Library & information sciences
---Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers
---Administration of physical plant
---Personnel management (Human resource management)
---Operations of libraries, archives, information centers
---Libraries, archives, information centers devoted to specific subjects
---General libraries, archives, information centers
---Reading & use of other information media
--Encyclopedias & books of facts
---General encyclopedic works
---General encyclopedic works in American English
---General encyclopedic works in English
---General encyclopedic works in other Germanic languages
---General encyclopedic works in French, Occitan & Catalan
---General encyclopedic works in Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
---General encyclopedic works in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
---General encyclopedic works in Slavic languages
---General encyclopedic works in Scandinavian languages
---General encyclopedic works in other languages
--Unassigned (formerly Biographies)
--Magazines, journals & serials
---General serial publications
---General serial publications in American English
---General serial publications in English
---General serial publications in other Germanic languages
---General serial publications in French, Occitan, Catalan
---General serial publications in Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
---General serial publications in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
---General serial publications in Slavic languages
---General serial publications in Scandinavian languages
---General serial publications in other languages
---Associations, organizations & museums
--General organizations & museology
---General organizations in North America
---General organizations in British Isles
---General organizations in Germany & neighboring central European countries
---General organizations in France & Monaco
---General organizations in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
---General organizations in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
---General organizations in Russia & neighboring east European countries
---General organizations in other geographic areas
---Museology (Museum science)
--News media, journalism & publishing
---Documentary media, educational media, news media; journalism; publishing
---Journalism and newspapers in North America
---Journalism and newspapers in British Isles
---Journalism and newspapers in Germany & neighboring central European countries
---Journalism and newspapers in France & Monaco
---Journalism and newspapers in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
---Journalism and newspapers in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
---Journalism and newspapers in Russia & neighboring east European countries
---Journalism and newspapers in Scandinavia
---Journalism and newspapers in other geographic areas
---General collections
---General collections in American English
---General collections in English
---General collections in other Germanic languages
---General collections in French, Occitan, Catalan
---General collections in Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
---General collections in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
---General collections in Slavic languages
---General collections in Scandinavian languages
---General collections in other languages
--Manuscripts & rare books
---Manuscripts, rare books, other rare printed materials
---Block books
---Printed books
---Books notable for bindings
---Books notable for illustrations and materials
---Books notable for ownership or origin
---Prohibited works, forgeries, hoaxes
---Books notable for format
-Philosophy and Psychology
---Philosophy, parapsychology & occultism, psychology
---Theory of philosophy
---Miscellany of philosophy
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of philosophy
---Serial publications of philosophy
---Organizations & management of philosophy
---Education, research, related topics of philosophy
---Groups of people
---History & collected biography
---Cosmology (Philosophy of nature)
---Force and energy
---Number and quantity
---Epistemology, causation, and humankind
---Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)
---Determinism and indeterminism
---The self
---The unconscious & the subconscious
---Origin & destiny of individual souls
--Parapsychology & occultism
---Parapsychology & occultism
---Parapsychological and occult methods for achieving well-being, happiness, success
---Specific topics in parapsychology & occultism
---Dreams & mysteries
---Divinatory graphology
--Philosophical schools of thought
---Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
---Idealism & related systems & doctrines
---Critical philosophy
---Bergsonism & intuitionism
---Humanism & related systems & doctrines
---Naturalism & related systems & doctrines
---Pantheism & related systems & doctrines
---Dogmatism, eclecticism, liberalism, syncretism, & traditionalism
---Other philosophical systems & doctrines
---Sensory perception, movement, emotions, & physiological drives
---Conscious mental processes & intelligence
---Subconscious & altered states & processes
---Differential & developmental psychology
---Comparative psychology
---Applied psychology
--Philosophical logic
---Philosophical logic
---Fallacies & sources of error
---Argument & persuasion
--Ethics (Moral philosophy)
---Ethical systems
---Political ethics
---Ethics of family relationships
---Occupational ethics
---Ethics of recreation, leisure, public performances, communication
---Ethics of sex & reproduction
---Ethics of social relations
---Ethics of consumption
---Other ethical norms
--Ancient, medieval, & Eastern philosophy
---Ancient, medieval, eastern philosophy
---Eastern philosophy
---Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies
---Sophistic, Socratic, related Greek philosophies
---Platonic philosophy
---Aristotelian philosophy
---Skeptic & Neoplatonic philosophies
---Epicurean philosophy
---Stoic philosophy
---Medieval Western philosophy
--Modern Western philosophy (19th-century, 20th-century)
---Modern Western & other noneastern philosophy
---Philosophy of the United States and Canada
---Philosophy of the British Isles
---Philosophy of Germany and Austria
---Philosophy of France
---Philosophy of Italy
---Philosophy of Spain and Portugal
---Philosophy of Russia
---Philosophy of Scandinavia & Finland
---Philosophy in other geographic areas
-Oxford World's Classics
-Very Short Introductions
-What Everyone Needs to Know®
---Religious mythology, general classes of religion, interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology
---Public worship and other practices
---Religious experience, life, practice
---Religious ethics
---Leaders and organization
---Missions and religious education
---Sects and reform movements
--Philosophy & theory of religion
---Philosophy & theory of religion
---Concepts of God
---Existence, ways of knowing God, attributes of God
---Science & religion
---The Bible
---Old Testament (Tanakh)
---Historical books of Old Testament
---Poetic books of Old Testament
---Prophetic books of Old Testament
---New Testament
---Gospels & Acts
---Revelation (Apocalypse)
---Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, & intertestamental works
---Jesus Christ & his family
---Salvation & grace
---Spiritual beings
---Creeds, confessions of faith, covenants, & catechisms
---Apologetics & polemics
--Christian practice & observance
---Christian moral and devotional theology
---Christian ethics
---Devotional literature
---Evangelistic writings for individuals and families
---Use of art in Christianity
---Church furnishings & related articles
---Christian experience, practice, life
---Christian observances in family life
--Christian pastoral practice & religious orders
---Local Christian church and Christian religious orders
---Preaching (Homiletics)
---Texts of sermons
---Pastoral office and work (Pastoral theology)
---Parish administration
---Religious congregations & orders
---Pastoral care of families, of specific groups of people
--Christian organization, social work, & worship
---Christian social and ecclesiastical theology
---Social theology and interreligious relations and attitudes
---Days, times, places of religious observance
---Public worship
---Sacraments, other rites & acts
---Associations for religious work
---Religious education
---Spiritual renewal
--History of Christianity
---History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
---Religious congregations and orders in church history
---Persecutions in church history
---Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history
---Christianity in Europe
---Christianity in Asia
---Christianity in Africa
---Christianity in North America
---Christianity in South America
---Christianity in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antartica
--Christian denominations
---Denominations and sects of Christian church
---Early church & Eastern churches
---Roman Catholic Church
---Anglican churches
---Protestant denominations of Continental origin & related body
---Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in America, Congregational churches
---Baptist, Restoration Movement, Adventist churches
---Methodist churches; churches related to Methodism
---Other denominations & sects
--Other religions
---Other religions
---Classical religion (Greek & Roman religion)
---Germanic religion
---Religions of Indic origin
---Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)
---Islam, Bábism & Bahá'í Faith
---Religions not provided for elsewhere
---Philosophy & theory; international languages
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
---Special topics of language
---Serial publications
---Organizations & management
---Education, research, related topics
---Groups of people
---Geographic treatment & biography
---Writing systems of standard forms of languages
---Etymology of standard forms of languages
---Dictionaries of standard forms of languages
---Phonology & phonetics of standard forms of languages
---Grammar of standard forms of languages
---Dialectology & historical linguistics
---Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Sign languages
--English & Old English languages
---English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
---Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard English
---Etymology of standard English
---English Dictionaries
---Grammar of standard English
---Historical & geographical variations, modern nongeographic variations of English
---Standard English usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
--German & related languages
---German and related languages
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard German
---Etymology of standard German
---Dictionaries of standard German
---Grammar of standard German
---Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of German
---Standard German usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Other Germanic languages
--French & related languages
---French & related Romance languages
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard French
---Etymology of standard French
---Dictionaries of standard French
---Grammar of standard French
---Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of French
---Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Occitan Catalan, Franco-Provençal
--Italian, Romanian, & related languages
---Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Italian
---Etymology of standard Italian
---Dictionaries of standard Italian
---Grammar of standard Italian
---Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Italian
---Standard Italian usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
--Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
---Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Spanish
---Etymology of standard Spanish
---Dictionaries of standard Spanish
---Grammar of standard Spanish
---Historical & geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations of Spanish
---Standard Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
--Latin & Italic languages
---Latin & related Italic languages
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Latin
---Etymology of classical Latin
---Dictionaries of classical Latin
---Grammar of classical Latin
---Old, postclassical, Vulgar Latin
---Classical Latin usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Other Italic languages
--Classical & modern Greek languages
---Classical Greek & related Hellenic languages
---Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Greek
---Etymology of classical Greek
---Dictionaries of classical Greek
---Grammar of classical Greek
---Preclassical & postclassical Greek
---Classical Greek usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
---Other Hellenic languages
--Other languages
---Other languages
---East Indo-European & Celtic languages
---Afro-Asiatic languages
---Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
---Altic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages, miscellaneous languages of south Asia
---Languages of East & Southeast Asia
---African languages
---North American native languages
---South American native languages
---Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages, miscellaneous languages
-Social Sciences
--Social sciences, sociology & anthropology
---Social sciences
---Sociology & anthropology
---Social interaction
---Social processes
---Factors affecting social behavior
---Groups of people
---Culture & institutions
---Collections of general statistics
---General statistics of Europe
---General statistics of Asia
---General statistics of Africa
---General statistics of North America
---General statistics of South America
---General statistics of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antartics
--Political science
---Political science (Politics & government)
---Systems of governments & states
---Relation of state to organized groups & their members
---Civil & political rights
---The political process
---International migration & colonization
---Slavery & emancipation
---International relations
---The legislative process
---Labor economics
---Financial economics
---Economics of land & energy
---Socialism & related systems
---Public finance
---International economics
---Macroeconomics & related topics
---Law of nations
---Constitutional & administrative law
---Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax, commerce (trade), industrial law
---Labor, social service, education, cultural law
---Criminal law
---Private law
---Procedure & courts
---Laws, regulations, cases
---Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions, regional intergovernmental organizations
--Public administration & military science
---Public administration & military science
---Public administration
---General considerations of public administration
---Specific fields of public administration
---Public administration of economy & environment
---Military science
---Foot forces & warfare
---Mounted forces & warfare
---Air & other specialized forces & warfare; engineering & related services
---Sea forces & warfare
--Social problems & social services
---Social problems & services; associations
---Social problems & services
---Social problems of & services to groups of people
---Other social problems & services
---Penal & related institutions
---Secret associations & societies
---General clubs
---Schools & their activities; special education
---Primary education (elementary education)
---Secondary education
---Adult education
---Higher education (Tertiary education)
---Public policy issues in education
--Commerce, communications, & transportation
---Commerce, communications, transportation
---Commerce (Trade)
---International commerce (Foreign trade)
---Postal communication
---Railroad transportation
---Inland waterway & ferry transportation
---Water, air, space transportation
---Metrology & standardization
--Customs, etiquette, & folklore
---Customs, etiquette, folklore
---Costume & personal appearance
---Customs of life cycle & domestic life
---Death customs
---General customs
---Etiquette (Manners)
---Customs of war & diplomacy
---Natural sciences & mathematics
---Philosophy & theory
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
---Serial publications
---Organizations & management
---Education, research, related topics
---Natural history
---History, geographic treatment, biography
---General principles of mathematics
---Numerical analysis
---Probabilities & applied mathematics
--Astronomy & allied sciences
---Celestial mechanics
---Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
---Specific celestial bodies & phenomena
---Earth (Astronomical geography)
---Mathematical geography
---Celestial navigation
---Classical mechanics
---Fluid mechanics
---Pneumatics (Gas mechanics)
---Sound & related vibrations
---Light & related radiation
---Electricity & electronics
---Modern physics
---Chemistry Today Offer
---Chemistry & allied sciences
---Physical chemistry
---Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
---Analytical chemistry
---Inorganic chemistry
---Organic chemistry
--Earth sciences & geology
---Earth sciences
---Geology, hydrology, meteorology
---Economic geology
---Earth sciences of Europe
---Earth sciences of Asia
---Earth sciences of Africa
---Earth sciences of North America
---Earth sciences of South America
---Earth sciences of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
--Fossils & prehistoric life
---Paleobotany; fossil microorganisms
---Fossil invertebrates
---Miscellaneous fossil marine & seashore invertebrates
---Fossil Mollusca & Molluscoidea
---Fossil Arthropoda
---Fossil Chordata
---Fossil cold-blooded vertebrates
---Fossil Aves (birds)
---Fossil Mammalia
---Physiology & related subjects
---Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology & physiology in animals
---Specific parts of & physiological systems in plants
---Genetics and evolution
---Natural history of organisms & related subjects
---Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae
---Specific topics in natural history of plants
---Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers
---Magnoliopsida (Dicotyledones)
---Liliopsida (Monocotyledones)
---Pinophyta (Gymnosperms)
---Cryptogamia (Seedless plants)
--Animals (Zoology)
---Specific topics in natural history of animals
---Miscellaneous marine & seashore invertebrates
---Mollusca & Molluscoidea
---Cold-blooded vertebrates
---Aves (Birds)
---Mammalia (Mammals)
---Technology (Applied sciences)
---Philosophy & theory
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
---Technical drawing, hazardous materials technology; groups of people
---Serial publications
---Education, research, related topics
---History, geographic treatment, biography
--Medicine & health
---Medicine & health
---Human anatomy, cytology, histology
---Human physiology
---Personal health & safety
---Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; public preventive medicine
---Pharmacology and therapeutics
---Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology
---Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics
---Engineering & Applied operations
---Applied physics
---Mining & related operations
---Military & nautical engineering
---Civil engineering
---Engineering of railroads, roads
---Hydraulic engineering
---Sanitary engineering
---Other branches of engineering
--Agriculture & related technologies
---Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials
---Plant injuries, diseases, pests
---Field & plantation crops
---Orchards, fruits, forestry
---Garden crops (Horticulture)
---Animal husbandry
---Processing dairy & related products
---Insect culture
---Hunting, fishing, conservation, related technologies
--Home & family management
---Home & family management
---Food & drink
---Meals & table service
---Housing & household equipment
---Household utilities
---Household furnishings
---Sewing, clothing, management of personal and family life
---Management of public households (Institutional housekeeping)
---Child rearing; home care of people with disabilities & illnesses
--Management & public relations
---Management & auxiliary services
---Office services
---Processes of written communication
---General management
---Advertising & public relations
--Chemical engineering
---Chemical engineering & related technologies
---Technology of industrial chemicals
---Technology of explosives, fuels, related products
---Beverage technology
---Food technology
---Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
---Ceramic & allied technologies
---Cleaning, color, coating, related technologies
---Technology of other organic products
---Metalworking processes & primary metal products
---Iron, steel, other iron alloys
---Nonferrous metals
---Lumber processing, wood products, cork
---Leather & fur processing
---Pulp & paper technology
---Elastomers & elastomer products
---Other products of specific kinds of materials
--Manufacture for specific uses
---Manufacture of products for specific uses
---Precision instruments & other devices
---Small forge work (Blacksmithing)
---Hardware & household appliances
---Furnishings & home workshops
---Leather & fur goods, & related products
---Printing & related activities
---Clothing & accessories
---Other final products, & packaging technology
---Construction of buildings
--Construction of buildings
---Building materials
---Auxiliary construction practices
---Construction in specific types of materials & for specific purposes
---Wood construction
---Roof covering
---Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning engineering
---Detail finishing
-Art and Design
---The Arts
---Philosophy & theory of fine & decorative arts
---Miscellany of fine & decorative arts
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of fine & decorative arts
---Special topics in fine & decorative arts
---Serial publications of fine & decorative arts
---Organizations & management of fine & decorative arts
---Education, research, related topics of fine & decorative arts
---Galleries, museums, private collections of fine & decorative arts
---History, geographic treatment, biography
--Area planning & landscape architecture
---Area planning & landscape architecture
---Area planning (Civic art)
---Landscape architecture (Landscape design)
---Landscape architecture of trafficways
---Water features in landscape architecture
---Woody plants in landscape architecture
---Herbaceous plants in landscape architecture
---Structures in landscape architecture
---Landscape design of cemeteries
---Natural landscapes
---Architectural materials & structural elements
---Architecture from earliest times to ca. 300
---Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
---Architecture from 1400
---Public structures
---Buildings for religious & related purposes
---Buildings for educational & research purposes
---Residential & related buildings
---Design & decoration of structures & accessories
--Sculpture, ceramics, & metalwork
---Sculpture & related arts
---Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture
---Sculpture from earliest times to ca. 500, sculpture of nonliterate peoples
---Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture
---Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399
---Sculpture from 1400
---Carving & carvings
---Numismatics & sigillography
---Ceramic arts
---Art metalwork
--Graphic arts & decorative arts
---Graphic arts
---Drawing & drawings
---Perspective in drawing
---Drawing & drawings by subject
---Decorative arts
---Textile arts
---Interior decoration
---Furniture & accessories
---Painting & paintings
---Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials, forms
---Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend
---Genre paintings
---Human figures
---Nature, architectural subjects & cityscapes, other specific subjects
---History, geographic treatment, biography
--Printmaking & prints
---Printmaking & prints
---Relief processes (Block printing)
---Lithographic processes (Planographic processes)
---Chromolithography & serigraphy
---Metal engraving
---Mezzotinting, aquatinting, & related processes
---Etching & drypoint
--Photography, computer art, film, video
---Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography
---Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
---Metallic salt processes
---Pigment processes of printing
---Computer art (Digital art)
---Cinematography & Videography
---Specific fields & special kinds of photography
---Photographic images
---General principles & musical forms
---Vocal music
---Music for single voices
---Instruments & Instrumental ensembles & their music
---Ensembles with only one instrument per part
---Keyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments
---Stringed instruments (Chordophones)
---Wind instruments (Aerophones)
--Sports, games & entertainment
---Recreational & performing arts
---Public performances
---Stage presentations
---Indoor games & amusements
---Indoor games of skill
---Games of chance
---Athletic & outdoor sports & games
---Aquatic & air sports
---Equestrian sports & animal racing
---Fishing, hunting, shooting
--Literature, rhetoric & criticism
---Literature (Belles-lettres) & rhetoric
---Philosophy & theory
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
---Serial publications
---Organizations & management
---Education, research, related topics
---Rhetoric & collections of literary texts from more than two literatures
---History, description, critical appraisal of more than two literatures
--American literature in English
---American literature in English
---American poetry in English
---American drama in English
---American fiction in English
---American essays in English
---American speeches in English
---American letters in English
---American humor & satire in English
---American miscellaneous writings in English
--English & Old English literatures
---English & Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
---English Poetry
---English drama
---English fiction
---English essays
---English speeches
---English letters
---English humor & satire
---English miscellaneous writings
---Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literature
--German & related literatures
---German literature & literatures of related languages
---German poetry
---German drama
---German fiction
---German essays
---German speeches
---German letters
---German humor & satire
---German miscellaneous writings
---Other Germanic literatures
--French & related literatures
---French literature & literatures of related Romance languages
---French poetry
---French drama
---French fiction
---French essays
---French speeches
---French letters
---French humor & satire
---French miscellaneous writings
---Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal literatures
--Italian, Romanian, & related literatures
---Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
---Italian poetry
---Italian drama
---Italian fiction
---Italian essays
---Italian speeches
---Italian letters
---Italian humor & satire
---Italian miscellaneous writings
---Literatures of Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
--Spanish, Portuguese, Galician literatures
---Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
---Spanish poetry
---Spanish drama
---Spanish fiction
---Spanish essays
---Spanish speeches
---Spanish letters
---Spanish humor & satire
---Spanish miscellaneous writings
---Literatures of Portuguese & Galician languages
--Latin & Italic literatures
---Latin literature & literatures of related Italic languages
---Latin poetry
---Latin dramatic poetry & drama
---Latin epic poetry & fiction
---Latin lyric poetry
---Latin speeches
---Latin letters
---Latin humor & satire
---Latin miscellaneous writings
---Literatures of other Italic languages
--Classical & modern Greek literatures
---Classical Greek literature & literatures of related Hellenic languages
---Classical Greek poetry
---Classical Greek drama
---Classical Greek epic poetry & fiction
---Classical Greek lyric poetry
---Classical Greek speeches
---Classical Greek letters
---Classical Greek humor & satire
---Classical Greek miscellaneous writings
---Modern Greek literature
---Other literatures
--Literatures of other specific languages and language families
---East Indo-European & Celtic literatures
---Afro-Asiatic literatures
---Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
---Literatures of Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages; literatures of miscellaneous languages of Southeast Asia
---Literatures of East & Southeast Asia
---African literatures
---Literatures of North American native languages
---Literatures of South American native languages
---Literatures of non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, of Austronesian languages, of miscellaneous languages
-History and Geography
---History, geography, & auxiliary disciplines
---Philosophy & theory of history
---Miscellany of history
---Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of history
---Collected accounts of events
---Serial publications of history
---Organizations & management of history
---Education, research, related topics of history
---History with respect to groups of people
---World history
--Geography & travel
---Geography & travel
---Historical geography
---Graphic representations of surface of earth and of extraterrestrial worlds
---Geography of & travel in ancient world
---Geography of & travel in Europe
---Geography of & travel in Asia
---Geography of & travel in Africa
---Geography of & travel in North America
---Geography of & travel in South America
---Geography of & travel in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, & on extraterrestrial worlds
--Biography & genealogy
---Biography, genealogy, insignia
---928 This range is reserved as an optional location for biographies, which are shelved alphabetically by subject's last name.
---Genealogy, names, insignia
--History of ancient world (to ca. 499)
---History of ancient world to ca. 499
---China to 420
---Egypt to 640
---Palestine to 70
---South Asia to 647
---Mesopotamia to 637 & Iranian Plateau to 637
---Europe north & west of Italian Peninsula to ca. 499
---Italian Peninsula to 476 & adjacent territories to 476
---Greece to 323
---Other parts of ancient world
--History of Europe
---History of Europe
---British Isles
---England & Wales
---Germany & neighboring central European countries
---France & Monaco
---Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
---Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
---Russia & neighboring east European countries
---Scandinavia & Finland
---Other parts of Europe
--History of Asia
---History of Asia
---China & adjacent areas
---Arabian Peninsula & adjacent areas
---India & neighboring south Asian countries;
---Middle East (Near East)
---Siberia (Asiatic Russia)
---Central Asia
---Southeast Asia
--History of Africa
---History of Africa
---Tunisia & Libya
---Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan
---Ethiopia & Eritrea
---Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla Western Sahara, Canary Islands
---West Africa & offshore islands
---Central Africa & offshore islands
---Republic of South Africa & neighboring southern African countries
---South Indian Ocean islands
--History of North America
---History of North America
---Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermuda
---United States
---Northeastern United States (New England & Middle Atlantic states)
---Southeastern United States (South Atlantic states)
---South central United States
---North central United States
---Western United States
---Great Basin & Pacific Slope region of United States
--History of South America
---History of South America
---Colombia & Ecuador
---Paraguay & Uruguay
--History of other areas
---History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
---New Zealand
---New Guinea & neighboring countries of Melanesia
---Polynesia & other Pacific Ocean islands
---Atlantic Ocean islands
---Arctic islands & Antarctica
---Extraterrestrial worlds
-English Dictionaries
Halloween Books
Writing and Grammar
Gift Ideas
- All -
Hardback with Online Content
Paperback with Audio
Paperback with CD-Rom
Paperback with CD-Rom and DVD
Paperback with DVD
Paperback with Multimedia
Paperback with Online Content
Paperback with CD
Multiple Copy Pack
Spiral Bound
Other format
Special Pack
- All -
Arts & Architecture
Biological Sciences
Business & Management
Classical Studies
Computing & Computer Science
Earth Sciences
Economics & Finance
Engineering Science
Language & Linguistics
Lifestyle & Leisure
Medicine & Health
Psychology & Neuroscience
Religion & Bibles
Society, Culture, & Environment
- All -
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Q: Skills for Success 3rd Edition: Level 4: Listening & Speaking Audio CD x4
Price(incl.tax): ¥3,592
Q: Skills for Success 3rd Edition: Level 4: Listening & Speaking Student Book Split A Pack with IQ Online Practice
Price(incl.tax): ¥2,954
Q: Skills for Success 3rd Edition: Level 4: Listening & Speaking Student Book Split B Pack with IQ Online Practice
Price(incl.tax): ¥2,954
Q: Skills for Success 3rd Edition: Level 4: Listening & Speaking Student Book with Digital Pack
Price(incl.tax): ¥4,197
Q: Skills for Success 3rd Edition: Level 4: Listening & Speaking Student Book with IQ Online Practice
Price(incl.tax): ¥3,817
Q: Skills for Success 3rd Edition: Level 4: Listening & Speaking Teacher's Guide Pack
Price(incl.tax): ¥10,659
Q: Skills for Success 3rd Edition: Level 4: Listening & Speaking Student Digital Pack
Price(incl.tax): ¥3,817
Q: Skills for Success 3rd Edition: Level 4: Listening & Speaking Teacher Digital Pack
Price(incl.tax): ¥7,997
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Oxford Reading Tree
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Paperback with DVD
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Multiple Copy Pack
Spiral Bound
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