
Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#112]
Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#112]

古代エジプトの歴史と文化、そしてこれを研究するエジプト学について概括します。ファラオによる統治や独特の文字体系もさることながら、民族、人種、ジェンダー、性交渉、そして死や葬儀、ミイラ製作の背景にある宗教・倫理観についての最新の学識を踏まえて改訂した新版です。古代エジプトに対する熱狂の歴史や「アラブの春」が博物館や文化遺産に与えた影響についても考察します。(cf. Egyptian Mythology, #106; Ancient Egyptian Art and Architecture, #403)

  • Written by one of the foremost authorities on Ancient Egypt
  • Considers all aspects of ancient Egyptian culture, from tombs and mummies to the discovery of artefacts, and the decipherment of hieroglyphs
  • Includes information based on personal archaeological research and fieldwork
  • Uses an iconic protodynastic object - the Narmer Palette - to provide an exciting framework for this general discussion of pharaonic Egypt

New to this Edition:

  • Includes a new chapter on the impact of the Arab Spring on approaches to Egyptian museums and cultural heritage
  • Takes into account recent archaeological discoveries and the latest scholarship on Ancient Egypt
  • Incorporates new research on chronology, particularly the use of radiocarbon dating
  • Includes a new sThe ancient Egyptians are an enduring source of fascination — mummies and pyramids, curses and rituals have captured the imagination of generations. We all have a mental picture of ancient Egypt, but is it the right one? How much do we really know about this great civilization?

This second edition of Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction explores the history and culture of pharaonic Egypt, inlcuding ideas about Egyptian kingship, ancient Egyptian writing systems, and the history of Egyptology. Ian Shaw introduces the reader to issues relating to ethnicity, race, gender, and sexual relations; the latest ideas about death, funerary rites and mummification; and thoughts on religion and ethics in ancient Egypt. He also looks at the phenomenon of Egyptomania, whereby certain books and films have sensationalised aspects of Egyptian culture. Finally, Shaw takes the story to the present day by illustrating the impact of the Arab Spring on approaches to Egyptian museums and cultural heritage.ection dealing with same-sex desire


List of illustrations
1:Introduction: the story so far
2:Discovering and inventing: constructing ancient Egypt
3:History: building chronologies and writing histories
4:Writing: the origins and implications of hieroglyphs
5:Kingship: stereotyping and the 'oriental despot'
6:Identity: issues of ethnicity, race, and gender
7:Death: mummification, dismemberment, and the cult of Osiris
8:Religion: Egyptian gods and temples
9:Egyptomania: the recycling and reinventing of Egypt>'s icons and images
10:The 'Arab Spring', new museums, and cultural heritage in modern Egypt
Further reading
Useful websites


Ian Shaw is a Research Fellow in Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Liverpool, as well as Visiting Professor in Egyptology at the Northeast Normal University, Changchun. He has excavated and surveyed at the cities of Amarna, Gurob, and Memphis, the Valley of the Kings, and the ancient quarrying and mining sites of Hatnub, Wadi el-Hudi, Gebel el-Asr, and Wadi Hammamat. His publications include The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt (2000), Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology (2000), The British Museum Dictionary of Ancient Egypt (2008), and Ancient Egyptian Technology and Innovation (2012).

"The author is on top of every aspect of their topics, and fully up to date... The entirely new chapter on the 'Arab Spring', new museums, and cultural heritage in modern Egypt is very welcome and thought provoking." - John Tait, Emeritus Professor of Egyptology, UCL


ISBN : 9780198845461

Ian Shaw
192 ページ
111 x 174 mm
Very Short Introductions





Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#112]

Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#112]

Ancient Egypt: A Very Short Introduction (2nd edition) [#112]