愛とは中世ヨーロッパの詩人が創り出したもの、それとも人間が生まれつき持っているもの? くじに当選することは人にとって本当に幸せなこと? 感情を持つロボットを作ることは可能? こうした問いに対する答えを、人類学、心理学、神経科学、人工知能、といった科学的研究に照らして考えます。共感の生物学的基盤や、映画の情動効果などの近年明らかにされたことにも触れながら、感情の発達や幸せを感じる生物学的根拠、そして記憶や意思決定に感情がどう関与しているかを解き明かしてくれる改訂新版です。
Was love invented by European poets in the Middle Ages or is it part of human nature? Will winning the lottery really make you happy? Is it possible to build robots that have feelings?
In this Very Sort Introduction Dylan Evans explores these and many other intriguing questions in this guide to the latest thinking about the emotions. Drawing on a wide range of scientific research, from anthropology and psychology to neuroscience and artificial intelligence, Evans takes the reader on a fascinating journey into the human heart, discussing the evolution of emotions and their biological basis, the science of happiness, and the role that emotions play in memory and decision making. Greeted by critics as a pop science classic when it was first published in 2001, the book has now been thoroughly revised and updated to incorporate new developments in our understanding of emotions, including new sections addressing the neural basis of empathy and the emotional impact of films.
1: The universal language
2: Why Spock could never have evolved
3: Short cuts to happiness
4: The head and the heart
5: The computer that cried
Further reading
ISBN : 9780198834403