映画は20世紀において最も商業化された芸術表現のひとつといっても過言ではないでしょう。今日、テクノロジーの発展とともに視聴できるプラットフォームも増え、世界中の人々の文化的な娯楽の一部となっています。映画はどの芸術表現よりもテクノロジーの発展の影響を顕著に受けています。本書では、無声映画からモノクロ、カラーの時代までを辿り映画好きには必読の一冊です。(cf. Hollywood, #461; Silent Film, #671.)
Cinema was the first, and is arguably still the greatest, of the industrialized art forms that came to dominate the cultural life of the twentieth century. Today, it continues to adapt and grow as new technologies and viewing platforms become available, and remains an integral cultural and aesthetic entertainment experience for people the world over.
Cinema developed against the backdrop of the two world wars, and over the years has seen smaller wars, revolutions, and profound social changes. Its history reflects this changing landscape, and, more than any other art form, developments in technology. In this Very Short Introduction, Nowell-Smith looks at the defining moments of the industry, from silent to sound, black and white to colour, and considers its genres from intellectual art house to mass market entertainment.
1: Introduction: what is Cinema?
2: Technologies
3: Industry
4: Aesthetics
5: Cinema and the outer world
6: Shaping the imaginary
7: Seven epochs
8: Conclusion
Further reading
"Nowell-Smith's packed an astounding amount into 120-page, pocket-sized book. Not just a capsule history of movies, but also summaries of technological, cultural and ideological developments, plus reflections on the current multimedia revolution. There's even room for notes on further reading. Ideal for first-year students; but even well versed will find useful insights." - Philip Kemp, Total Film
"Never be fooled by the title: there may only be 100 pages of narrative, and you can easily fit the book into a pocket, but packed into that is a wealth of detail Geoffrey Nowell-Smith worked for many years at the British Film Institute, and therefore writes with the benefit of insider access to archive footage and documentary records... Definitely a must read for [those] who belong to film groups" - Chris Green, Suffolk Norfolk Life
ISBN : 9780198701774