実存主義は20世紀を代表する哲学運動のひとつですが、これほどに芸術や文学に影響を与え、人間の自由を重視した思想はありません。実存主義をけん引したのは、サルトル、ニーチェ、ハイデッガー、キェルケゴール、ボーヴォワール、メルロー=ポンティ、カミュなどの哲学者や小説家でした。これらの思想家を取り上げつつ、実存主義運動と、「生き方としての哲学」をなす重要な要素である個別性、自由な意思、個人の義務などについて深く掘り下げます。(cf. Nietzsche, #034; Heidegger, #025; Kierkegaard, #058; Albert Camus, #628)
Existentialism was one of the leading philosophical movements of the twentieth century. Focusing on its seven leading figures, Sartre, Nietzsche, Heidegger, Kierkegaard, de Beauvoir, Merleau-Ponty and Camus, this Very Short Introduction provides a clear account of the key themes of the movement which emphasized individuality, free will, and personal responsibility in the modern world.
Drawing in the movement's varied relationships with the arts, humanism, and politics, this book clarifies the philosophy and original meaning of 'existentialism' - which has tended to be obscured by misappropriation. Placing it in its historical context, Thomas Flynn also highlights how existentialism is still relevant to us today.
1: Philosophy as a Way of Life
2: Becoming an Individual
3: Humanism, For and Against
4: Authenticity
5: A Chastened Individualism? Existentialism and Social Thought
6: What is Living and What is Dead in Existentialist Thought?
ISBN : 9780192804280