

Recent years have seen a resurgence of interest, among both philosophers, legal scholars, and military experts, on the ethics of war. Due in part due to post 9/11 events, this resurgence is also due to a growing theoretical sophistication among scholars in this area. Recently there has been very influential work published on the justificaton of killing in self-defense and war, and the topic of the ethics of war is now more important than ever as a discrete field. The 28 commissioned chapters in this Handbook will present a comprehensive overview of the field as well as make significant and novel contributions, and collectively they will set the terms of the debate for the next decade. Lazar and Frowe will invite the leading scholars in the field to write on topics that are new to them, making the volume a compilation of fresh ideas rather than a rehash of earlier work. The volume will be dicided into five sections: Method, History, Resort, Conduct, and Aftermath. The contributors will be a mix of junior and senior figures, and will include well known scholars like Michael Walzer, Jeff McMahan, and David Rodin.


Introduction: The Ethics of War Helen Frowe and Seth Lazar
Part I: Method
1. Method in the Morality of War Seth Lazar
2. The Just War Framework Helen Frowe
3. Historiography of Just War Theory Gregory Reichberg
4. Deep Morality and the Laws of War Jeremy Waldron
Part II: History
5. The Ethics of War up to Thomas Aquinas Rory Cox
6. Late Scholastic Just War Theory Daniel Schwartz
7. Early Modern Sources of the Regular War Tradition Pablo Kalmanovitz
Part III: Resort
8. A Richer Jus ad Bellum Allen Buchanan
9. Knowing When Not to Fight David Luban
10. National Defence and Political Independence David Mapel
11. Humanitarian Intervention and the Modern State System Patrick Emerton and Toby Handfield
12. Territorial Rights and National Defence Anna Stilz
13. Last Resort and Proportionality Henry Shue
14. Pacifism Cheyney Ryan
15. Legitimate Authority in War Yitzhak Benbaji
16. Civil War and Revolution Jonathan Parry
Part IV: Conduct
17. The Moral Equality of Combatants Christian Barry and Lars Christie
18. Noncombatant Immunity and War-Profiteering Saba Bazargan
19. Human Shields Adil Haque
20. Dimensions of Intentions: Ways of Killing in War Victor Tadros
21. Proportionality and Necessity in Jus in Bello Jeff McMahan
22. Terrorism Suzanne Uniacke
23. Torture: Rescue, Prevention, and Punishment Frances Kamm
24. Drones and robots: On the Changing Practice of Warfare Danny Statman
25. Ending Wars Darrel Moellendorf
Part V: Aftermath
26. War's Aftermath and the Ethics of War Cecile Fabre
27. Justice after War Jens David Ohlin
28. Reconciliation and Reparations Catherine Lu


Seth Lazar is Associate Professor and Senior Research Fellow at the Australian National University. Helen Frowe is Professor of Practical Philosophy and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Academy Fellow at Stockholm University, where she directs the Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace.


Seth Lazar; Helen Frowe
Oxford Handbooks





The Oxford Handbook of Ethics of War