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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards Governance (2-volume set)
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards Governance (2-volume set)
  • Represents a step forward in defining natural hazards governance as a research topic, contributing to an increasing understanding in both academic and practitioner communities that improved understanding of natural hazards governance is needed for better risk reduction and resiliency capacity
  • Offers comprehensive treatment of the unique and specific issues related to governance of natural hazards, helping define central issues in this subject area and doing so with a global perspective
  • First major comparative treatment of natural hazards governance issues in a single volume, moving the field of research beyond a US or Western European perspective to a comprehensive collection of global perspectives of natural hazards governance issues
  • All of the articles appear online as part of the Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Natural Hazard Science

Natural hazards, such as floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, typhoons, and wildfires, present significant challenges for managing risk and vulnerability. It is crucial to understand how communities, nations, and international regimes and organizations attempt to manage risk and promote resilience in the face of major disruption to the built and natural environment and social systems. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards Governance offers an integrated framework for defining, assessing, and understanding natural hazards governance practices, processes, and dynamics - a framework that is essential for addressing these challenges. Through a collection of over 85 peer-reviewed articles, written by global experts in their fields, it provides a uniquely comprehensive treatment and current state of knowledge of the range of key governance issues. Led by Editor in Chief Brian J. Gerber and Associate Editors Thomas A. Birkland, Ann-Margaret Esnard, Bruce Glavovic, Timothy Sim, Christine Wamsler, and Benjamin Wisner, the work addresses key theoretic gaps on hazards governance in general, and clarifies the sometimes disjointed research coverage of hazards governance on different scales, with national, international, local, regional, and comparative perspectives. It provides a comprehensive framework for clarifying how governance processes and practices are related to variations in actual performance in terms of natural hazard events, and explicates a broad range of critical conceptual issues in natural hazards governance by providing syntheses of extant knowledge.


List of Articles
Agency Coordination and Cross-Sector Collaboration in Fragile States (Abdul-Akeem Sadiq and Jenna Tyler)
Agenda Setting and Natural Hazards (Rob A. DeLeo)
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Economic Resilience Actions (Adam Rose)
Bureaucratic Policymaking on Natural Hazards (Kristin Taylor O'Donovan)
Challenges for Natural Hazard and Risk Management in Mountain Regions of Europe (Margreth Keiler and Sven Fuchs)
Climate Adaptation Governance in Pakistan (Syed-Muhammad Ali, Akhtar Naeem Khan, and Hamna Shakeel)
Climate Change Adaptation in New Zealand (Paul Schneider and Bruce Glavovic)
Climate Change and Amplified Representations of Natural Hazards in Institutional Cultures (Scott Bremer, Paul Schneider, and Bruce Glavovic)
Climate Change as a Transboundary Policymaking Natural Hazards Problem (Elizabeth Albright)
Collaboration and Cross-Sector Coordination for Humanitarian Assistance in a Disaster Recovery Setting (David Sanderson)
Collective Choices Affecting Natural Hazards Governance, Risk, and Vulnerability (Thomas Thaler, David Shively, Jacob Petersen-Perlman, Lenka Slavikova, and Thomas Hartmann)
Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (Rajib Shaw)
Corruption and the Governance of Disaster Risk (David Alexander)
Democratic Policymaking and Community Hazards Management (Saundra Schneider)
Disaster and Emergency Planning for Preparedness, Response, and Recovery (David Alexander)
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adapation in South Asia (Mihir Bhatt, Ronak B. Patel, and Kelsey Gleason)
Disaster Risk, Moral Hazard, and Public Policy (Thomas Husted and David Nickerson)
Disasters and Large-Scale Population Dislocations: International and National Responses (Anthony Oliver-Smith)
Economic and Business Recovery (Joanne Stevenson, Ilan Noy, Garry McDonald, Erica Seville, and John Vargo)
Executive and Legislative Competition over Natural Hazards Policies (Deserai A. Crow)
Financing Community Resilience Before Disaster Strikes: Lessons from the United States (Charlotte L. Kirschner, Akheil Singla, and Angie Flick)
Fiscal Implications of Managing Natural Disasters for National and Subnational Governments (Qing Miao)
Flood Insurance and Flood Risk Reduction (Swenja Surminski)
Funding Flows: Transboundary Considerations of Disaster Recovery (Anuradha Mukherji)
Global Overview of the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Natural Hazard Governance (Terry Gibson and Benjamin Wisner)
Healthcare Challenges after Disasters in Lesser Developed Countries (Jan Reinhardt, Binhua Fu, and Joseph Balikuddembe)
Integrating Access and Functional Needs in Community Planning for Natural Hazards (Nnenia Campbell)
Inter-Agency Collaboration for Natural Hazard Management in Developed Countries (Nibedita Ray-Bennett, Daniel Mendez, Edris Alam, and Christian Morgner)
Involving people in informal settlements in NHG based on South African experience (Catherine Sutherland)
Lessons on Risk Governance From the UNISDR Experience (Sálvano Briceño)
Linking Hazard Vulnerability, Risk Reduction, and Institutionalized Choices (Jörn Birkmann and Joanna McMillan)
Linking Risk Reduction and Community Resilience (Hyunjung Ji)
Managed retreat in practice: Mechanisms, opportunities, and challenges for implementation (Christina Hanna, Bruce Glavovic, and Iain White)
Managing Vulnerability During Natural Disasters: Language Access Services (Federico Marco Federici)
Multi-Level Environmental Governance in the European Union and United States (Colin Provost)
Natural Disaster Risk Financing and Transfer in ASEAN Countries (Paul Raschky and Sommarat Chantarat)
Natural Hazards and their Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa (D. van Niekerk and Livhuwani David Nemakonde)
Natural Hazards and Voting Behavior (Olivier Rubin)
Natural Hazards Governance in Algeria (Djillali Benouar)
Natural Hazards Governance in Australia (John Minnery and Iraphne Childs)
Natural Hazards Governance in Canada (Jack Lindsay)
Natural Hazards Governance in China (Timothy Sim and Jun Lei Yu)
Natural Hazards Governance in Cuba (Enrique A. Castellanos Abella and Benjamin Wisner)
Natural Hazards Governance in Democratic States with Developed Economies (Patrick Roberts)
Natural Hazards Governance in Germany (Mark Kammerbauer)
Natural Hazards Governance in India (Anshu Sharma and Sunny Kumar)
Natural Hazards Governance in Indonesia (Bevaola Kusumasari)
Natural Hazards Governance in Mexico (Elizabeth Mansilla)
Natural Hazards Governance in Nepal (Katie Oven)
Natural Hazards Governance in Nigeria (Steve I. Onu)
Natural Hazards Governance in Russia (Svetlana Badina and Boris Porfiriev)
Natural Hazards Governance in South Africa (D. van Niekerk, G.J. Wentink, and L.B. Shoroma)
Natural Hazards Governance in South Asia (Mihir Bhatt)
Natural Hazards Governance in the Philippines (Kanako Iuchi, Yasuhito Jibiki, Renato Solidum Jr., and Ramon Santiago)
Natural Hazards Governance in Turkey (H. P. Gülkan)
Natural Hazards Governance in Western Europe (Florian Roth and Timothy Prior)
Natural Hazards Governance Practices and Floods (Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlewaite)
Natural Hazards Governance Practices and Key Natural Hazards in Latin America and the Caribbean (Ivis García)
Natural Hazards Identification and Hazard Management Systems (P. Patrick Leahy)
Non-Governmental Organizations and Natural Hazard Governance in Asia and the Pacific (Allison Rowlands and Benjamin Wisner)
Non-Governmental Organizations and Natural Hazard Governance in Latin America (Alonso Brenes, Benjamin Wisner, and Victor Marchezini)
Non-Governmental Organizations in Africa (Thomas Smucker, Benjamin Wisner, and Solomon Maingi)
Non-profit Sector Organizational Actions on Risk Reduction Practices, Policymaking Participation, Community and Social Contributions, Recovery (Grace Chikoto-Schultz, Yu Xiao, Paul Manson, and Maryam Amiri)
Performance Assessment of Natural Hazards Governance (Warren S. Eller and Michael S. Pennington)
Planning Systems for Natural Hazard Risk Reduction (James C. Schwab)
Policy Process Theory and Natural Hazards (Thomas A. Birkland)
Politics and Policies for Managing Natural Hazards (Rob A. DeLeo, Kristin Taylor O'Donovan, and Timothy Mulligan)
Post Disaster Housing Recovery (Anuradha Mukherji)
The Production of Natural Hazard Services by Public Agencies and Private Contractors in the United States (Alessandra Jerolleman)
The Production of Public Goods, Services, and Regulations for Natural Hazards (Benoy Jacob)
Public Administrators in Natural Hazards Governance (Scott E. Robinson and Warren S. Eller)
Public Participation in Planning for Community Management of Natural Hazards (Andrea Sarzynski and Paolo Cavaliere)
Public Private Partnerships and Natural Hazards Governance (Dane Egli)
Public Sector Agencies and Their Formal Legal and Administrative Responsibilities (Ashley D. Ross)
Public Sector Agency Choice of Policy Instruments Across Governance Systems (Beverly Cigler)
Resilient Cities (Abhilash Panda and Dilanthi Amaratunga)
Risk and Resilience in the Management and Governance of Natural Hazards (Christian Kuhlicke)
Risk Governance of Limited-Notice or No-Notice Natural Hazards (Maria Papathoma-Köhle and Dale Dominey-Howes)
Roles of Non-Government Organizations in Disaster Risk Reduction (Jonatan A. Lassa)
Scalar Politics in Flood Risk Management and Community Engagement (Thomas Thaler)
Social Capital and Natural Hazards Governance (Daniel P. Aldrich, Michelle A. Meyer, and Courtney M. Page-Tan)
Supporting Natural Hazards Management with Geospatial Technologies (Diana Mitsova)
Transboundary Disasters and Nongovernmental Organizations (Alka Sapat)
Tsunami Preparedness and Mitigation Strategies (James Goltz and Katsuya Yamori)
Urban Planning and Natural Hazards Governance (Martin Caceres, Camillo Boano, and Theresa Abrassart)
Topical Outline of Articles
Articles in the Encyclopedia are organized alphabetically. Articles in this outline are arranged under the following headings; please note that each article is listed here only once, but many articles could conceivably fit into two or more of the following categories:
Natural Hazards Governance: Foundational Concepts
Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management
Disaster Vulnerability and Disaster Resilience
Formal Political Institutions, Policy Development, and Policy Implementation
Private Sector, Community, and Non-Governmental Responses
Finance and Economic Aspects of Natural Hazards Governance
Assessing Natural Hazards Governance in Varied Political and Economic Contexts
Region and Country-Specific Governance Practices
Natural Hazards Governance: Foundational Concepts
Collective Choices Affecting Natural Hazards Governance, Risk, and Vulnerability (Thomas Thaler, David Shively, Jacob Petersen-Perlman, Lenka Slavikova, and Thomas Hartmann)
Natural Hazards Governance: An Overview of the Field (Thomas A. Birkland, introduction to volume)
Performance Assessment of Natural Hazards Governance (Warren S. Eller and Michael S. Pennington)
Public Private Partnerships and Natural Hazards Governance (Dane Egli)
Understanding and Analyzing Natural Hazards Governance (Brian J. Gerber, introduction to volume)
Disaster Risk Reduction and Disaster Management
Corruption and the Governance of Disaster Risk (David Alexander)
Lessons on Risk Governance From the UNISDR Experience (Sálvano Briceño)
Managed retreat in practice: Mechanisms, opportunities, and challenges for implementation (Christina Hanna, Bruce Glavovic, and Iain White)
Natural Hazards Governance Practices and Floods (Daniel Henstra and Jason Thistlewaite)
Natural Hazards Identification and Hazard Management Systems (P. Patrick Leahy)
Planning Systems for Natural Hazard Risk Reduction (James C. Schwab)
The Production of Natural Hazard Services by Public Agencies and Private Contractors in the United States (Alessandra Jerolleman)
Risk and Resilience in the Management and Governance of Natural Hazards (Christian Kuhlicke)
Risk Governance of Limited-Notice or No-Notice Natural Hazards (Maria Papathoma-Köhle and Dale Dominey-Howes)
Roles of Non-Government Organizations in Disaster Risk Reduction (Jonatan A. Lassa)
Supporting Natural Hazards Management with Geospatial Technologies (Diana Mitsova)
Tsunami Preparedness and Mitigation Strategies (James Goltz and Katsuya Yamori)
Disaster Vulnerability and Disaster Resilience
Climate Change and Amplified Representations of Natural Hazards in Institutional Cultures (Scott Bremer, Paul Schneider, and Bruce Glavovic)
Collaboration and Cross-Sector Coordination for Humanitarian Assistance in a Disaster Recovery Setting (David Sanderson)
Disasters and Large-Scale Population Dislocations: International and National Responses (Anthony Oliver-Smith)
Linking Hazard Vulnerability, Risk Reduction, and Institutionalized Choices (Jörn Birkmann and Joanna McMillan)
Managing Vulnerability During Natural Disasters: Language Access Services (Federico Marco Federici)
Post Disaster Housing Recovery (Anuradha Mukherji)
Resilient Cities (Abhilash Panda and Dilanthi Amaratunga)
Urban Planning and Natural Hazards Governance (Martin Caceres, Camillo Boano, and Theresa Abrassart)
Formal Political Institutions, Policy Development, and Policy Implementation
Agenda Setting and Natural Hazards (Rob A. DeLeo)
Bureaucratic Policymaking on Natural Hazards (Kristin Taylor O'Donovan)
Climate Change as a Transboundary Policymaking Natural Hazards Problem (Elizabeth Albright)
Democratic Policymaking and Community Hazards Management (Saundra Schneider)
Disaster and Emergency Planning for Preparedness, Response, and Recovery (David Alexander)
Disaster Risk, Moral Hazard, and Public Policy (Thomas Husted and David Nickerson)
Executive and Legislative Competition over Natural Hazards Policies (Deserai A. Crow)
Natural Hazards and Voting Behavior (Olivier Rubin)
Policy Process Theory and Natural Hazards (Thomas A. Birkland)
Politics and Policies for Managing Natural Hazards (Rob A. DeLeo, Kristin Taylor O'Donovan, and Timothy Mulligan)
The Production of Public Goods, Services, and Regulations for Natural Hazards (Benoy Jacob)
Public Administrators in Natural Hazards Governance (Scott E. Robinson and Warren S. Eller)
Public Sector Agencies and Their Formal Legal and Administrative Responsibilities (Ashley D. Ross)
Public Sector Agency Choice of Policy Instruments Across Governance Systems (Beverly Cigler)
Scalar Politics in Flood Risk Management and Community Engagement (Thomas Thaler)
Private Sector, Community, and Non-Governmental Responses
Community Based Disaster Risk Reduction (Rajib Shaw)
Global Overview of the Role of Non-Governmental Organizations in Natural Hazard Governance (Terry Gibson and Benjamin Wisner)
Integrating Access and Functional Needs in Community Planning for Natural Hazards (Nnenia Campbell)
Linking Risk Reduction and Community Resilience (Hyunjung Ji)
Non-profit Sector Organizational Actions on Risk Reduction Practices, Policymaking Participation, Community and Social Contributions, Recovery (Grace Chikoto-Schultz, Yu Xiao, Paul Manson, and Maryam Amiri)
Public Participation in Planning for Community Management of Natural Hazards (Andrea Sarzynski and Paolo Cavaliere)
Social Capital and Natural Hazards Governance (Daniel P. Aldrich, Michelle A. Meyer, and Courtney M. Page-Tan)
Transboundary Disasters and Nongovernmental Organizations (Alka Sapat)
Finance and Economic Aspects of Natural Hazards Governance
Benefit-Cost Analysis of Economic Resilience Actions (Adam Rose)
Economic and Business Recovery (Joanne Stevenson, Ilan Noy, Garry McDonald, Erica Seville, and John Vargo)
Financing Community Resilience Before Disaster Strikes: Lessons from the United States (Charlotte L. Kirschner, Akheil Singla, and Angie Flick)
Fiscal Implications of Managing Natural Disasters for National and Subnational Governments (Qing Miao)
Flood Insurance and Flood Risk Reduction (Swenja Surminski)
Funding Flows: Transboundary Considerations of Disaster Recovery (Anuradha Mukherji)
Natural Disaster Risk Financing and Transfer in ASEAN Countries (Paul Raschky and Sommarat Chantarat)
Assessing Natural Hazards Governance in Varied Political and Economic Contexts
Agency Coordination and Cross-Sector Collaboration in Fragile States (Abdul-Akeem Sadiq and Jenna Tyler)
Healthcare Challenges after Disasters in Lesser Developed Countries (Jan Reinhardt, Binhua Fu, and Joseph Balikuddembe)
Inter-Agency Collaboration for Natural Hazard Management in Developed Countries (Nibedita Ray-Bennett, Daniel Mendez, Edris Alam, and Christian Morgner)
Natural Hazards Governance in Democratic States with Developed Economies (Patrick Roberts)
Region and Country-Specific Governance Practices
Challenges for Natural Hazard and Risk Management in Mountain Regions of Europe (Margreth Keiler and Sven Fuchs)
Climate Adaptation Governance in Pakistan (Syed-Muhammad Ali, Akhtar Naeem Khan, and Hamna Shakeel)
Climate Change Adaptation in New Zealand (Paul Schneider and Bruce Glavovic)
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adapation in South Asia (Mihir Bhatt, Ronak B. Patel, and Kelsey Gleason)
Involving people in informal settlements in NHG based on South African experience (Catherine Sutherland)
Multi-Level Environmental Governance in the European Union and United States (Colin Provost)
Natural Hazards and their Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa (D. van Niekerk and Livhuwani David Nemakonde)
Natural Hazards Governance in Algeria (Djillali Benouar)
Natural Hazards Governance in Australia (John Minnery and Iraphne Childs)
Natural Hazards Governance in Canada (Jack Lindsay)
Natural Hazards Governance in China (Timothy Sim and Jun Lei Yu)
Natural Hazards Governance in Cuba (Enrique A. Castellanos Abella and Benjamin Wisner)
Natural Hazards Governance in Germany (Mark Kammerbauer)
Natural Hazards Governance in India (Anshu Sharma and Sunny Kumar)
Natural Hazards Governance in Indonesia (Bevaola Kusumasari)
Natural Hazards Governance in Mexico (Elizabeth Mansilla)
Natural Hazards Governance in Nepal (Katie Oven)
Natural Hazards Governance in Nigeria (Steve I. Onu)
Natural Hazards Governance in Russia (Svetlana Badina and Boris Porfiriev)
Natural Hazards Governance in South Africa (D. van Niekerk, G.J. Wentink, and L.B. Shoroma)
Natural Hazards Governance in South Asia (Mihir Bhatt)
Natural Hazards Governance in the Philippines (Kanako Iuchi, Yasuhito Jibiki, Renato Solidum Jr., and Ramon Santiago)
Natural Hazards Governance in Turkey (H. P. Gülkan)
Natural Hazards Governance in Western Europe (Florian Roth and Timothy Prior)
Natural Hazards Governance Practices and Key Natural Hazards in Latin America and the Caribbean (Ivis García)
Non-Governmental Organizations and Natural Hazard Governance in Asia and the Pacific (Allison Rowlands and Benjamin Wisner)
Non-Governmental Organizations and Natural Hazard Governance in Latin America (Alonso Brenes, Benjamin Wisner, and Victor Marchezini)
Non-Governmental Organizations in Africa (Thomas Smucker, Benjamin Wisner, and Solomon Maingi)

About the author: 

Editor-in-chief: Brian J. Gerber, Associate Professor & Co-Director of the Center for Emergency Management & Homeland Security, Arizona State University
Brian J. Gerber is an Associate Professor in the College of Public Service and Community Solutions, Arizona State University. He is Co-Director of the ASU Center for Emergency Management and Homeland Security and is Director of the Master of Arts in Emergency Management and Homeland Security degree program. He is an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales (Australia), a Senior Sustainability Scholar with the Wrigley School of Sustainability, Arizona State University and a PLuS Alliance Fellow. His research interests and publications include work on disaster policy and management, bureaucracy and hazards management, and environmental policy and regulation. Dr. Gerber has designed, led and facilitated various emergency preparedness exercises, participated in catastrophic incident planning projects, and has conducted key program evaluations and policy analyses on topics ranging from large-scale disaster evacuations to pandemic preparedness. His applied work on disaster management has included partnerships with federal, state and local government agencies, as well as with numerous nonprofit organizations, both in terms of policy research and evaluation and direct field volunteerism during disaster incident response. He has received research grants from the National Science Foundation, the U.S. Department of Education, the West Virginia Department of Military Affairs and Public Safety, the Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and the Colorado Department of Public Safety, among others.


Theresa Abrassart
World Bank

Edris Alam
University of Chittagong

Elizabeth Albright
Duke University

Daniel P. Aldrich
Northeastern University

David Alexander
University College London

Syed-Muhammad Ali
University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar

Dilanthi Amaratunga
University of Huddersfield

Maryam Amiri
Portland State University

Svetlana Badina
Russian Academy of Sciences

Joseph Balikuddembe
Sichuan University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Djillali Benouar
University of Sciences and Technologies Houari Boumediene

Mihir Bhatt
All India Disaster Mitigation Institute

Jörn Birkmann
University of Stuttgart

Camillo Boano
University College London

Scott Bremer
University of Bergen

Alonso Brenes
University of Costa Rica

Sálvano Briceño
International Council for Science

Martin Caceres
University College London

Nnenia Campbell
University of Colorado Boulder

Enrique A. Castellanos Abella
Ministry of Energy and Mines, Cuba

Paolo Cavaliere
University of Delaware

Sommarat Chantarat
Australian National University

Grace Chikoto-Schultz
Portland State University

Iraphne Childs
University of Queensland

Beverly Cigler
Penn State Harrisburg

Deserai A. Crow
University of Colorado, Denver

Rob A. DeLeo
Bentley University

Dale Dominey-Howes
University of Sydney

Dane Egli
A.T. Kearney

Warren S. Eller
West Virginia University

Federico Marco Federici
University College London

Angie Flick
Arizona State University

Binhua Fu
Sichuan University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Sven Fuchs
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Ivis García
University of Utah

Brian Gerber
Arizona State University

Terry Gibson
Inventing Futures

Bruce Glavovic
Massey University

Kelsey Gleason
University of Vermont

James Goltz
University of Colorado Boulder

H. P. Gülkan
Middle East Technical University

Christina Hanna
University of Waikato

Thomas Hartmann
Wageningen University & Research

Daniel Henstra
University of Waterloo

Thomas Husted
American University

Kanako Iuchi
Tohoku University

Benoy Jacob
University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Alessandra Jerolleman
Jacksonville State University

Hyunjung Ji
University of Alabama

Yasuhito Jibiki
Tohoku University

Mark Kammerbauer
Augsburg University of Applied Sciences

Margreth Keiler
Universität Bern

Akhtar Naeem Khan
University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar

Charlotte L. Kirschner
Ohio State University

Christian Kuhlicke
Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research

Sunny Kumar

Bevaola Kusumasari
Gadjah Mada University

Jonatan A. Lassa
Charles Darwin University

P. Patrick Leahy
American Geosciences Institute

Jack Lindsay
Brandon University

Solomon Maingi
University of New Hampshire

Elizabeth Mansilla
Independent Consultant

Paul Manson
Portland State University

Victor Marchezini
Cemaden - Centro Nacional de Monitoramento e Alertas de Desastres Naturais

Garry McDonald
Market Economics

Joanna McMillan
University of Stuttgart

Daniel Mendez
Rights Insights

Michelle A. Meyer
Louisiana State University

Qing Miao
Rochester Institute of Technology

John Minnery
University of Queensland

Diana Mitsova
Florida Atlantic University

Christian Morgner
University of Leicester

Anuradha Mukherji
East Carolina University

Timothy Mulligan
Wayne State University

Livhuwani David Nemakonde
North-West University

David Nickerson
Ryerson University

Ilan Noy
Victoria University of Wellington

Kristin Taylor O'Donovan
Wayne State University

Steve I. Onu
Nigerian Institute of Town Planners

Katie Oven
Durham University

Courtney M. Page-Tan
Northeastern University

Abhilash Panda
United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction

Maria Papathoma-Köhle
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Ronak B. Patel
Harvard University

Michael S. Pennington
West Virginia State University

Jacob Petersen-Perlman
University of Arizona

Boris Porfiriev
Russian Academy of Sciences

Timothy Prior
ETH Zurich

Colon Provost
University College London

Paul Raschkey
Monash University

Nibedita Ray-Bennnet
University of Leicester

Jan Reinhardt
Sichuan University and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Patrick Roberts
Virginia Tech

Adam Rose
University of Southern California

Ashley D. Ross
Texas A&M University

Florian Roth
ETH Zurich

Allison Rowlands
New South Wales Department of Justice

Olivier Rubin
Roskilde University

Abdul-Akeem Sadiq
University of Central Florida

David Sanderson
University of New South Wales

Ramon Santiago
Metropolitan Manila Development Authority

Alka Sapat
Florida Atlantic University

Andrea Sarzynski
University of Delaware

Paul Schneider
Massey University

Saundra Schneider
Michigan State University

James C. Schwab
University of Iowa

Erica Seville
University of Canterbury

Hamna Shakeel
University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar

Anshu Sharma

Rajib Shaw
Kyoto University

David Shively
University of Montana

L.B. Shoroma
North-West University

Timothy Sim
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Akheil Singla
Arizona State University

Lenka Slavikova
Jan Evangelista Purkyn? University

Anthony Oliver Smith
University of Florida

Thomas Smucker
Ohio University

Renato Solidum Jr.
Philippines Department of Science and Technology

Joanne Stevenson
University of Canterbury

Swenja Surminski
London School of Economics and Political Science

Catherine Sutherland
University of KwaZulu-Natal

Thomas Thaler
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences

Jason Thistlewaite
University of Waterloo

Jenna Tyler
University of Central Florida

D. van Niekerk
North-West University

John Vargo
University of Canterbury

G.J. Wentink
North-West University

Iain White
University of Waikato

Benjamin Wisner
University College London and Oberlin College

Yu Xiao
Portland State University

Jun Lei Yu
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Product details

ISBN : 9780190640231

Brian J. Gerber
1719 Pages
178 x 254 mm
Pub date
May 2020
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The Oxford Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards Governance (2-volume set)

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards Governance (2-volume set)

The Oxford Encyclopedia of Natural Hazards Governance (2-volume set)