現代哲学の核となる存在であり続けるドイツ哲学は、哲学が抱える近代性(モダニティ)の問題に対して、意義深い答えを導き出しています。カント、フレーゲ、ウィトゲンシュタイン、フッサールなどのドイツ哲学なくして、英米の「分析哲学」は存在しえないし、デリダ、フーコー、ドゥルーズなどの「大陸哲学」も成り立ちません。本書は、ドイツの名高い哲学者とともに、あまり知られていない初期ロマン派の哲学者も取り上げ、深遠なドイツ哲学の世界に読者を誘います。(cf.Kant, #050; Hegel, #049; Wittgenstein, #046; Marx, #028; Nietzsche, #034; Heidegger, #025; Analytic Philosophy, #541; Continental Philosophy, #043)
German philosophy remains the core of modern philosophy. Without Kant, Frege, Wittgenstein, and Husserl there would be no Anglo-American 'analytical' style of philosophy. Moreover, without Kant, Hegel, Marx, Nietzsche, and Heidegger, the 'Continental Philosophy' of Derrida, Foucault, Deleuze, Badiou, and Zizek, which has had major effects on humanities subjects in recent years, is incomprehensible. Knowledge of German philosophy is, then, an indispensable prerequisite of theoretically informed study in the humanities as a whole.
German Philosophy: A Very Short Introduction discusses the idea that German philosophy forms one of the most revealing responses to the problems of 'modernity'. The rise of the modern natural sciences and the related decline of religion raises a series of questions, which recur throughout German philosophy, concerning the relationships between knowledge and faith, reason and emotion, and scientific, ethical, and artistic ways of seeing the world.
There are also many significant philosophers who are generally neglected in most existing English-language treatments of German philosophy, which tend to concentrate on the canonical figures. This Very Short Introduction will include reference to these thinkers and suggests how they can be used to question more familiar German philosophical thought.
1: Kant and Modernity
2: The Linguistic Turn
3: German Idealism
4: 'Early Romantic' Philosophy
5: Marx
6: Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, and the 'Death of God'
7: Phenomenology, and the second 'Linguistic Turn'
8: 'Critical Theory'
ISBN : 9780199569250