ローマの桂冠詩人のホラティウス(B.C 65-B.C.8年)は、詩的芸術性に富んだ創造的なラテン語の使い手として、黄金期とされるアウグストゥス治世下の文化的洗練を体現する傑出した詩人の一人です。その作品には、詩家が生きた共和制末期から帝政への移行期という波乱に満ちた時代が巧みに織り込まれていて、不安や喜びを追体験することができます。同時代の他の詩人と比べても充実した、内面、性格、成長、生き方に関する記述は、私たちに貴重な教訓を与えてくれます。ホラティウスが後世に与えた多大な影響について、古典文学の伝統の文脈の中で検討します。(cf. Satires and Epistles, The Complete Odes and Epodes from the Oxford World's Classics)
Horace was one of the greatest poets during the reign of Augustus and is seen as a mark of cultural sophistication since this time. This Very Short Introduction examines how Horace's poetry has exerted enormous influence but argues that it is best understood within the traditions of ancient literature.
Llewellyn Morgan guides the reader through the dizzying vagaries of Horace's biography, which reflects the political and social instability of the period. His poetry, and the life he artfully constructs and presents to us in it, engages both with the greatest crisis that Rome had ever faced, and its resolution by the first Emperor. Horace is Rome's laureate, and through him we experience the anxieties and triumphs of his age. For posterity, Horace has served for a model of the good life, a promoter of enlightened retirement, but has also exemplified poetic artistry, and is the most creative manipulator of the Latin language, even among his remarkable contemporaries.
5:Horace after Horace
Further reading
ISBN : 9780192849649