The history of psychology as a scholarly field has grown and diversified since the landmark volumes of E. G. Boring's A History of Experimental Psychology (1929, 1950). It is now a site of scholarly inquiry that attracts practitioners from a range of disciplines. Psychological concepts and practices hold interest for people from all walks of life and from around the globe. The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of Modern Psychology reflects the range of such interest. The essays explore topics from everyday subjective experiences to deep connections among esoteric laboratory sciences and Enlightenment philosophies. Authors seek to answer difficult questions about how psychology developed, not only in the Western world, but across the globe. Human history has many examples of how people have used knowledge about themselves, others, and their world to try and change or improve their lives. How did these experiences help make possible a science and profession of psychology? In turn, how has scientific and professional psychology shaped or influenced the psychology of everyday life?
The reader will find key insights into the profound differences that have marked the growth of Western modernity-race, gender, sexuality among them-and what they reveal about selfhood, identity, and possibilities for human freedom and oppression. In our own time, we see the psychological, economic, and political legacy of past practices and the profound inequities that we now must address. These histories will help readers find or create counter-histories that help us move toward a more equitable world.
Historiography: Metatheoretical Approaches to the History of Psychology
History of the History of Psychology (Adrian C. Brock)
Historical Psychology (Noemí Pizarroso López)
The Concept of "Crisis" in the History of Western Psychology (Martin Wieser)
Intersectionality and the History of Psychology (Alexandra Rutherford and Tal Davidson)
Transformative-Activist and Social Justice Approaches to the History of Psychology (Anna Stetsenko)
Diverse Cultures, Diverse Origins
The Origin of Psychology in the Humanities (Sven Hroar Klempe)
A History of the Concepts of Harmony in Chinese Culture (Louise Sundararajan)
Spiritual and Religious Sources of Indian Psychology (Kiran Kumar Keshavamurthy Salagame)
Psychological Humanities, Sciences, and the Arts in Russia (Julia Vassilieva)
History of Spanish Psychology, 1800-2000 (Javier Bandrés)
History of Feminist Psychology at the University of Vienna, 1984-2000 (Vera Luckgei, Nora Ruck, and Thomas Slunecko)
History of Mindfulness and Psychology (Shauna Shapiro and Elli Weisbaum)
Feminist Psychologies in India (Vindhya Undurti)
Methods and Measurement in the History of Psychology
Self-Observation in Psychology (Donald V. Brown Jr., Karyna Pryiomka, and Joshua W. Clegg)
A Historical Overview of Psychological Inquiry as a Contested Method (Karyna Pryiomka and Joshua W. Clegg)
Qualitative Inquiry (Jeanne Marecek and Eva Magnusson)
Oral Memoirs: The Testimony of Holocaust Survivors (Alan Rosen and Neal Lipsitz)
Reflexivity and the History of Psychology (Jill Morawski)
Foundations of Scientific Psychology
Descartes' Dualism of Mind and Body In the Development of Psychological Thought (Deborah Brown and Brian Key)
William James and the Role of Psychology in Philosophy (Saulo de Freitas Araujo and Lisa M. Osbeck)
Foundations of Philosophical Functionalism (Lawrence A. Shapiro)
Gestalt Psychology (Horst Gundlach)
James McCosh: Bridge Builder Between Old and New Psychology (Elissa N. Rodkey)
Wilhelm Wundt: Psychology and Philosophy in Interaction (Saulo de Freitas Araujo)
Residues of (Post-)Kantian Philosophy in Early Scientific Psychology and Hermann von Helmholtz's Idealism (Liesbet de Kock)
Gustav Theodor Fechner: Psychophysics and Natural Science (David Robinson)
The Continuity of Experience, From Young William James to Mature Psychologist (Paul Croce)
The Problem and the Measurement of Time in Psychology (1874-1910) (Silvia Degni)
Selves and Subjectivities
Sources of the Self From the Renaissance to the 20th Century (Elwin Hofman)
Gordon Allport (Raymond E. Fancher)
The Social Psychology of Sex and Gender (Peter Hegarty and Emma Sarter)
Robert White and the Study of Lives (Raymond E. Fancher)
Varieties of the Self From Self-Esteem to Self-Control (Michael Pettit)
Scientific Studies of Dreams and Dreaming in the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries (Giorgia Morgese)
Creating Subjects (Rhodri Hayward)
Milgram's Experiments on Obedience to Authority (Stephen Gibson)
Psychology and Race in Racialized Societies (Cynthia E. Winston-Proctor and Michael R. Winston)
Social Psychology in Mid-20th Century United States (Thomas F. Pettigrew)
Social Representation Theory: An Historical Outline (Wolfgang Wagner)
Decolonial Perspectives on Psychology and Development (Glenn Adams, Annabella Osei-Tutu, and Adjeiwa Akosua Affram)
Scientific Racism and North American Psychology (Andrew S. Winston)
Italian Social Psychologies and Fascist Regimes: History of a Collective Removal (Gilda Sensales)
A Historical View on Attitudes and Persuasion (Pablo Briñol, Richard E. Petty, and Joshua J. Guyer)
Nature and Nurture as an Enduring Tension in the History of Psychology (Hunter Honeycutt)
The Genetic Epistemology of Jean Piaget (Jeremy Burman)
Studying Development in Mid-20th Century America (Ann Johnson and Elizabeth Johnston)
The History of the Concept Adult and Research Regarding Adult Development (Carol Hoare)
The Legacy of Recapitulation Theory in the History of Developmental Psychology (Donna Varga)
Social Development (Ross D. Parke)
Vygotsky and the Cultural-Historical Approach to Human Development (Ekaterina Zavershneva and René van der Veer)
Attachment Theory from Ethology to the Strange Situation (Marga Vicedo)
The Concept of Developmental Stage: Hall, Freud, and Piaget (John Morss)
William Stern (1871-1938), Eclipsed Star of Early 20th-Century Psychology (James Lamiell)
Boris Ananiev's Theory of Self-Determination of Human Development (Irina Mironenko)
Judgement and Decision Making (Priscila G. Brust-Renck, Rebecca B. Weldon and Valerie F. Reyna)
Enduring Debates on Psychology and Language in the 20th Century (Trevor A. Harley)
Development of Judgment, Decision Making, and Rationality (Maggie Toplak and Jala Rizeq)
Cognitive Psychology During the Cold War Era, 1955-1975 (Hunter Heyck)
The Macy Conferences on Cybernetics: Reinstantiating the Mind (Tara H. Abraham)
Creativity (Liane Gabora)
Sexual Health and Sexual Behavior (Sebastian E. Bartos)
Psychoanalysis and Psychosomatics in Europe (Silvia Degni)
Forced Resilience: Conceptualizing Resilience in Life-Threatening Adversity (Helle Harnisch, Edith Montgomery, and Hans Henrik Knoop)
The Medicalization of Stress (Vanessa L. Burrows)
Human Movement, Kinesthesia, and Dance (Roger Smith)
Order and Disorder in Psychological Functioning
Push and Pull: Biological and Psychological Models of Sexuality in Medical Sexology and Psychoanalysis (1870-1930) (Harry Oosterhuis)
History of Mental Disorders (German E. Berrios and Ivana S. Marková)
Melancholia and Depression (Åsa Jansson)
Situating Mental Disorder in Cultural Frames (G.E. Jarvis and Laurence J. Kirmayer)
History of the Personality Disorders Narcissism and Psychopathic Personality (Elizabeth Lunbeck)
Practices of Psychology
The History of Psychological Psychotherapy in Germany: The Rise of Psychology in Mental Health Care and the Emergence of Clinical Psychology During the 20th Century (Lisa Malich)
Development of the DSM-III (Hannah S. Decker)
The History of Personnel and Vocational Testing (Michael J. Zickar)
Hypnotism and Suggestion: A Historical Perspective (Peter Lamont)
Biography of a Psychological Object: Intelligence Tests (Annette Mülberger)
Professionalization of Psychology in the Nordic Countries (Petteri Pietikainen and Jesper Vaczy Kragh)
Mind Cure and Mental Therapeutics in the Late 19th-Century United States (David Schmit)
Alternative Therapies: Sociodrama, Nude Therapy, Primal Scream, Psychedelic (Ericka Dyck and Emmanuel Delille)
History of Evidence-Based Practice (Scott O. Lilienfeld and Candice Basterfield)
Forensic Psychology in Historical Perspective (Heather Wolffram)
Psychology as Mental Health Practice in the United States, 1945-1980 (Wade E. Pickren and Ingrid G. Farreras)
Projective Psychodiagnostics: Inkblots, Stories and Drawings as Clinical Measures (Marla Eby)
Ethics (Alan C. Tjeltveit)
Aaron Beck and the History of Cognitive Therapy (Steven D. Hollon)
Non-Human Animals and the History of Psychology
Animal Communication (Michael D. Beecher)
Instinct and the Origins of Mind and Behavior (Diane M. Rodgers)
Primatology and the Study of Humanity's Primate Heritage (Charles T. Snowdon)
A History of Pavlovian Science (Gabriel Ruis and Natividad Sánchez)
Animal Cognition (Sarah Krichbaum, Adam Davila, Lucia Lazarowski, and Jeffrey S. Katz)
Imprinting as Social Learning (Timothy Johnston)
Animal Learning and Cognition (Michael J. Beran)
Histories of Indigenous and Post-Colonial Psychologies
From Psychological Humanities to African Psychology: A Review of Sources and Traditions (Augustine Nwoye)
Psychoanalysis in Argentina (Hugo Klappenbach, Antonio Gentile, Fernando Ferrari, and Hernan Scholten)
The History of Psychology in Brazil (Regina Helena de Freitas Campos)
Psychological Knowledge in Brazilian Culture (Marina Massimi)
Indigenization of Behavior Analysis in Brazil (Rodrigo Lopes Miranda, Jaqueline Andrade Torres, Roberta Alves Garcia, and Sérgio Dias Cirino)
History of Chinese Indigenous Psychology (Olwen Bedford and Kuang-Hui Yeh)
Psychology and the Political
History and Systems of Critical Psychology (Thomas Teo)
Feminist Psychology (Kate Sheese)
Psychology and Neoliberalism (Jennifer Clegg and Richard Lansdall-Welfare)
Marxist Influences in Psychology (Tuomas Laine-Frigren)
Psychology and Oppression (Wahbie Long)
Anglo-American Psychology in the Cold War (Marcia E. Holmes)
LGBTQ Psychology (Peter Hegarty)
Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory (Gordana Jovanovi?)
Cold War Psychology in Eastern Europe (Julien Kiss)
Central European Psychiatry: World War I and the Interwar Period (David Freis)
ISBN : 9780190849832