There is often a demand for a short, sharp definition of racism, for example as captured in the popular formula Power + Prejudice= Racism. But in reality, racism is a complex, multidimensional phenomenon that cannot be captured by such definitions. In our world today there are a variety of racisms at play, and it is necessary to distinguish between issues such as individual prejudice, and systematic racisms which entrench racialiazed inequalities over time.
This Very Short Introduction explores the history of racial ideas and a wide range of racisms - biological, cultural, colour-blind, and structural - and illuminates issues that have been the subject of recent debates. Is Islamophobia a form of racism? Is there a new antisemitism? Why has whiteness become an important source of debate? What is Intersectionality? What is unconscious or implicit bias, and what is its importance in understanding racial discrimination? Ali Rattansi tackles these questions, and also shows why African Americans and other ethnic minorities in the USA and Europe continue to suffer from discrimination today that results in ongoing disadvantage in these white dominant societies. Finally he explains why there has been a resurgence of national populist and far-right movements and explores their implications for the future of racism.
Preface to the second edition
1: Race and racism: some conundrums
2: Imperialism, genocide, and the 'science' of 'race'
3: The demise of scientific racism
4: Racialization, cultural racism, and religion
5: Colour-blind whiteness and structural racism
6: Intersectionality and 'implicit' or 'unconscious' bias
7: The rise and rise of right-wing national populism and the future of racism
"A superb book, covering a whole sweep of history, but in this revised edition bang up to date in terms of recent research and current Controversies, including the rise of right-wing populism." - Professor Lord Giddens, former Director of the London School Economics
"Appearing at a moment when resurgent racisms threaten democracy and social justice in many countries, Ali Rattansi's book is immensely valuable. Clearly and concisely analyzing the varieties of racism today, Rattansi explains the roots of the phenomenon and also helps us challenge its new forms. Rooted in the past of segregation, biologism, apartheid, fascism, and imperial genocide, racism's contemporary expressions like "colorblindness," anti-immigrant politics, and "national populism" all demand our attention and resistance. Racism: A Very Short Introduction provides the tools we need to respond effectively. Highly recommended for course adoption!" - Professor Howard Winant, University of California
ISBN : 9780198834793