太陽光、風力、水力、バイオマスなどの主要なものから地熱、流水・潮汐、波力まで、再生可能エネルギーを取り上げます。繰り返し取り出して利用可能なエネルギーの導入にあたっての課題、エネルギー貯蔵、燃焼の無害化の必要性、発展途上国における可能性についても考えるほか、世界の政策や取り組み、近年の風力、太陽光による発電、蓄電設備、「Power to Gas」と呼ばれるエネルギー貯蔵技術も検討。気候変動に対応する上での重要性はもとより、健康、福祉、電気へのアクセス向上など、再生可能エネルギーの利活用がもたらす進展にも注目します。
Energy is vital for a good standard of living, and much of the world's population does not have enough. Affordable and adequate sources of power that do not cause climate change or pollution are crucial; and renewables provide the answer. Wind and solar farms can now provide the cheapest electricity in many parts of the world. Moreover, they could provide all of the world's energy needs. But while market forces are fast helping the transition from fossil fuels to renewables, there are opposing pressures, such as the USA's proposed withdrawal from the Paris Agreement, and the vested interests in fossil fuels.
This Very Short Introduction describes the main renewable sources of energy- solar, wind, hydropower, and biomass- as well as the less well-developed ones- geothermal, tidal, and wave. Nick Jelley explains the challenges of integrating renewables into electricity grids, and the need for energy storage and for clean heat; and discusses the opportunities in developing countries for renewable energy to empower millions. He also considers international efforts and policies to support renewables and tackle climate change; and explains recent innovations in wind and solar energy production, battery storage, and in the emerging power-to-gas provision for clean heating. Throughout, he emphasises what renewable energy can deliver, and its importance in tackling climate change, and in improving health, welfare, and access to electricity.
List of illustrations
1: What are renewables?
2: Why do we need renewables?
3: Biomass, solar heat, and hydropower
4: Wind power
5: Solar photovoltaics
6: Other low carbon technologies
7: Renewable electricity and energy storage
8: Renewable heat and electric vehicles
9: The transition to renewables
Further reading
"A wonderful combination of a tour of the basics of renewable energy, and a great update on the ever-changing statistics in this fast changing, and world-changing energy sector." - Professor Daniel M Kammen, University of California, Berkeley
ISBN : 9780198825401