モルモン教(末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会)は、しばしばアメリカで生まれた最も成功した宗教だと言われます。一般的なキリスト教の教義から離れた信仰であるモルモン教に対しては、当然ながら「キリスト教なのか?」という疑問が生まれます。本書はモルモン教の歴史をたどることのできる手頃な入門書で、末日聖徒イエス・キリスト教会の設立者で、モルモン教指導者のジョセフ・スミスが説いた教義に深く踏み込む一冊です。(cf. Mormonism: What Everyone Needs to Know)
Mormonism is frequently described as the most successful indigenous American religion. Mormon beliefs arouse curiosity because they depart from normal Christian doctrine, leading to the question: Are Mormons Christian? This introduction will include the history of the contemporary Mormonism, and an analysis and emphasis of Mormon beliefs, beginning with Joseph Smith, the founding prophet.
List of illustrations
1. Introduction
2. Revelation
3. Zion
4. Priesthood
5. Cosmology
6. Nineteenth-century Utah
7. The Mormon world
Further reading
Web sites
One of the Wall Street Journal's "Five Best Books on Mormonism"
"Written by the dean of Mormon studies, Richard Bushman...this book -- a Berlitz guide of sorts to the complex world of modern Mormonism -- is probably the most efficient way to grasp what it means to be a Mormon today."-- Samuel Morris Brown, The Wall St. Journal
"An elegant, even-handed introduction."-- Catholic Herald
ISBN : 9780195310306