大きな犠牲を払った第一次世界大戦、共産・社会主義が台頭した20年代、不安定な政治と経済不振に揺れた30年代、第二次世界大戦後に保守と労働の二大政党制に移行した40年代、帝国の崩壊、「英国病」にあえいだ70年代、これを改善することが期待されたサッチャリズム…ベストセラー『The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain』に収録していたテクストから抜粋した、必携の20世紀イギリス史入門です。
First published as part of the best-selling The Oxford Illustrated History of Britain, Kenneth Morgan's Very Short Introduction to Twentieth-Century Britain examines the forces of consensus and of conflict in twentieth-century Britain. The account covers the trauma of the First World War and the social divisions of the twenties; fierce domestic and foreign policy debates in the thirties; the impact of the Second World War for domestic transformation, popular culture and the loss of empire; the transition from the turmoil of the seventies to the aftermath of Thatcherism and the advent of New Labour. Throughout, cultural and artistic themes are woven into the analysis, along with the distinct national experiences of Scotland, Wales, and Ireland. The profound tension that shook the United Kingdom are juxtaposed against equally deep forces for stability, cohesion, and a sense of historic identity.
1: The First World War
2: The twenties
3: The thirties
4: The Second World War
5: The post-war world
6: From the seventies to the nineties
7: Towards the millennium
Further reading
Prime ministers 1914-2000
ISBN : 9780192853974