構成要素を探り構造をとらえることで、その現象を理解しようとする構造主義は、1960年代にフランスで生まれ、歴史や精神分析学のほか、文学や文化研究を根本から変えた思想のひとつです。本書ではフランス構造主義の草分け的存在であるロラン・バルト(1915-80年)の著作に、その思想を探ります。正統な構造主義者と見なされるのを嫌ったバルトの独特の世界観にひたることができる一冊です。(cf. Continental Philosophy, #043; Poststructuralism, #073)
This acclaimed short study, originally published in 1983, and now thoroughly updated, elucidates the varied theoretical contributions of Roland Barthes (1915-80), the 'incomparable enlivener of the literary mind' whose lifelong fascination was with the way people make their world intelligible. He has a multi-faceted claim to fame: to some he is the structuralist who outlined a 'science of literature', and the most prominent promoter of semiology; to others he stands not for science but pleasure, espousing a theory of literature which gives the reader a creative role. This book describes the many projects, which Barthes explored and which helped to change the way we think about a range of cultural phenomena - from literature, fashion, wrestling, and advertising to notions of the self, of history, and of nature.
1: Man of parts
2: Literary Historian
3: Mythologist
4: Critic
5: Polemicist
6: Semiologist
7: Structuralist
8: Hedonist
9: Writer
10: Man of Letters
11: Barthes after Barthes
Review from other book by this author It is impossible to imagine a clearer treatment of the subject, or one that is, within the given limits of length, more comprehensive. Culler has always been remarkable for his expository skills, and here he has found exactly the right method and tone for his purposes. - Sir Frank Kermode
ISBN : 9780192801593