
The Mill on the Floss (3rd edition)
The Mill on the Floss (3rd edition)
  • A new edition of one of Eliot's best-loved novels whose central figure, Maggie Tulliver, is one of English literature's great female characters.
  • A compelling story of a young girl's growth to adulthood, and the conflicts that arise from her growing independence.
  • New introduction emphasizes Eliot's significance as a writer of fiction, and the literary qualities that have sometimes been overshadowed by her interest in philosophical ideas. It examines the importance of reading in the novel, its preoccupation with gender, and complex relationship with feminism.
  • Full notes identify allusions and the significance in particular of literary references, and also pay attention to significant textual changes between manuscript and successive editions.
  • Use the definitive Clarendon text of the novel.
  • Up-to-date Bibliography.

New to this Edition:

  • Introduction by Juliette Atkinson, informed by the latest critical and scholarly thinking on the novel.
  • New and expanded Notes.
  • Up-to-date Select Bibliography.
  • Re-set text retains the defnitive Clarendon text and improves print appearance.

'Was her life to be always like this? - always bringing some new source of inward strife?'
When the miller Mr Tulliver becomes entangled in lawsuits, he sets off a chain of events that will profoundly affect the lives of his family and bring into conflict his passionate daughter Maggie with her inflexible but adored brother Tom. As she grows older, Maggie's discovery of romantic love draws her once more into a struggle to reconcile familial and moral claims with her own desires. Strong-willed, compassionate, and intensely loyal, Maggie seeks personal happiness and inner peace but risks rejection and ostracism in her close-knit community.
Opening with one of the most powerful fictional evocations of childhood, The Mill on the Floss (1860) vividly portrays both the 'oppressive narrowness' and the appeal of provincial England, the comedy as well as the tragedy of obscure lives. George Eliot's most autobiographical novel was also her most controversial, and has been the subject of animated debate ever since. This edition combines the definitive Clarendon text with a lively new introduction and notes.


Note on the Text
Select Bibliography
A Chronology of George Eliot

Book First: Boy and Girl
Book Second: School-Time
Book Third: The Downfall
Book Fourth: The Valley of Humiliation
Book Fifth: Wheat and Tares
Book Sixth: The Great Temptation
Book Seventh: The Final Rescue

Textual Variants
Explanatory Notes


George Eliot
Gordon S. Haight, former Professor Emeritus of English Literature, Yale University, and Juliette Atkinson, Lecturer in English, University College London
Juliette Atkinson is the author of Victorian Biography Reconsidered: A Study of Nineteenth-Century 'Hidden' Lives (OUP, 2010) and is preparing a book for OUP called Immortal Improprieties: French Novels and the Victorians.

"it's the non-posh voices that leap off the page - the wives of prosperous farmers and merchants taken directly from Eliot's own childhood" - Kate Saunders, The Big Issue

"It's a little late for me to review a book that has been a prized classic of English literature for over a hundred years, so I'll confine my comments to the package - there are various editions of this book available, but given the choice I would opt for an Oxford World's Classic edition any day - the clarity of the typeface and the quality of the paper are superb, and the cover artwork is stunning. Brilliant new editions of two of George Eliot's timeless classics." - Books Monthly


ISBN : 9780198707530

George Eliot
560 ページ
142 x 195 mm
Oxford World's Classics





The Mill on the Floss (3rd edition)

The Mill on the Floss (3rd edition)

The Mill on the Floss (3rd edition)