The Students Solutions Manual to Accompany Physical Chemistry: Quanta, Matter, and Change 2e provides full worked solutions to the 'a' exercises, and the odd-numbered discussion questions and problems presented in the parent book. The manual is intended for students and instructors alike, and provides helpful comments and friendly advice to aid understanding.
Focus 1: Foundations
Focus 2: The principles of quantum mechanics
Focus 3: The quantum mechanics of motion
Focus 4: Approximation methods
Focus 5: Atomic structure and spectra
Focus 6: Molecular structure
Focus 7: Molecular symmetry
Focus 8: Interactions
Focus 9: Molecular spectroscopy
Focus 10: Magnetic resonance
Focus 11: Statistical thermodynamics
Focus 12: The First Law of thermodynamics
Focus 13: The Second and Third Laws of thermodynamics
Focus 14: Physical equilibria
Focus 15: Chemical equilibria
Focus 16: Molecular motion
Focus 17: Chemical kinetics
Focus 18: Reaction dynamics
Focus 19: Processes in fluid systems
Focus 20: Processes on solid surfaces
ISBN : 9780198701286