エネルギーと環境の問題、特に原子力エネルギーに対する私たちの不安は高まるばかりです。著名な物理学者マクスウェル・アーヴィンが、原子力エネルギーについて、その安全性に対する問題やコスト面などの点からわかりやすく解説します。新しいエネルギーとして期待される核融合の可能性についても言及します。(cf. Nuclear Energy: What Everyone Needs to Know)
With the World desperate to find energy sources that do not emit carbon gasses, nuclear power is back on the agenda and in the news, following the increasing cost of fossil fuels and concerns about the security of their future supply.
However, the term 'nuclear power' causes anxiety in many people and there is confusion concerning the nature and extent of the associated risks. Here, Maxwell Irvine presents a concise introduction to the development of nuclear physics leading up to the emergence of the nuclear power industry. He discusses the nature of nuclear energy and deals with various aspects of public concern, considering the risks of nuclear safety, the cost of its development, and waste disposal.
Dispelling some of the widespread confusion about nuclear energy, Irvine considers the relevance of nuclear power, the potential of nuclear fusion, and encourages informed debate about its potential.
1: A new science is born
2: A new technology is developed
3: Thermal nuclear reactors
4: Nuclear fuel reprocessing and radioactive waste management
5: Nuclear safety
6: The cost of nuclear power
7: Nuclear fusion power
8: The need for nuclear power
"here's your chance to become an instant expert" - The Times
ISBN : 9780199584970