その成立以来、イスラームの強固なアイデンティティの核となってきたクルアーン。近代世界と伝統的イスラーム文化の両者にとって、クルアーンはどれほど重要な意味を持つのでしょうか。本書は、古写本、聖書、礼拝、具現化された真理としてのクルアーンを徹底分析し、その役割を平易な言葉で解説します。また、その解釈をめぐって論争となっている文節を検証し、世界中のムスリムに読まれるクルアーンの文言が持つ力に迫ります。(cf. The Qur'an (Oxford World's Classics); The Qur'an: What Everyone Needs to Know)
The Koran has constituted a remarkably strong core of identity and continuity for a religious tradition that is now in its fifteenth century. This Very Short Introduction explores the significance of the Koran both in the modern world and in traditional Muslim culture. Michael Cook provides a lucid and direct account of the Koran as codex, as scripture, as liturgy, and as the embodiment of truth, and examines its means of formation and dissemination. He also discusses issues of interpretation for certain key verses, demonstrating that fecundity of the text for readers throughout the world. (cf. Islam, #007)
List of Illustrations
Map of places mentioned in the text
Part One: Introduction
1. Preliminaries
2. The message of the Koran
Part Two: The Koran in the modern world
3. The dissemination of the Koran
4. The interpretation of the Koran
5. The very idea of scripture
Part Three: The Koran in the tradition Muslim world
6. The Koran as codex
7. The Koran as text
8. The Koran as worship
9. The Koran as truth
10. The Koran as an object of dogma
Part Four: The formation of the Koran
11. The collection of the Koran
12. The Koran in the lifetime of the Prophet
13. Doubts and puzzles
14. Conclusion
A Note on Arabic
Going further
Index of Koranic verses
ISBN : 9780192853448